Letting Go

Let Go

Photo Credit: Manish Doshi @ Death Valley, CA

I am thinking whether to add thoughts to the above quote
Or let go of that need
To say more…

I am thinking of sharing how rich it has been to become slow
Or let go of that need
To say more …

I am thinking of sharing how finally I am able to rest in my Being
Or let go of that need
To say more …

I am thinking of sharing how much more is getting done now
Or let go of that need
To say more …

I am thinking of sharing how amazing it is to choose & enjoy just one thing at a time
Or let go of that need
To say more …

I am thinking I want to say it all, yet wish to just be the Silence, Slowness, Space
Let go of that need
To say more …

I am thinking, writing, wording, and also Being the Silence & Space
I let go of the need
To be or do anything other than what I am right now.


P.S. This post is a grateful contribution to ForgivingFridays, an amazing initiative by Debbie Roth of Forgiving Connects.



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Creating these quote images has become as if my new poetry. Inspiration comes to me in short snippets nowadays instead of poetic rhythm or lengthy prose. My thoughts then go through my mind lanes leading me to find photos clicked by my husband or photographer friends that I collaborate with – to find an image that speaks the emotion behind my inspiration.

Reverse process happened with the image above. My friend and photographer Vikram Phale sent me some pictures he took on his weekend getaway with his family. And this picture of the sky just astounded me. I spent few minutes intently looking at the picture and the words that came are the quote you see.

Thank you friends for getting me excited in this new creativity with your appreciation for my previous quote images and encouraging me to make more.


P.S. I wish to share with you a blog that has been nourishing me with confirmations of my spiritual perspectives on everything related to our existence. I have felt more confidence in how I perceive and live this process called Life, with my regular interactions with the author of this blog through his deeply profound posts. Here is the link for you : https://thejobblog.net/free-to-be-ultimate-you/



Life Pulse


Photo Credit : Vikram Phale “Flow through the Dense”

It is a slow moving subtle force
This one that comes from the Source
It is an incessant life pulse
Felt at times as a powerful surge

It permeates through the Being
It cuts through the dense, deeply piercing
It makes all the living truly alive
You feel every feeling very live

Itself as so relentless, makes you so too
Joy or pain, no difference in your pursuit
Unimagined moments lead you to a curve
Sometimes hairpin turns that rightly serve

The thrill is not knowing exactly how
A day set out on, as you think now
Would turn out, you just go humbly wow
All miracalised, you simply flow

The awe is in the process of it all
How all of this adventure
Is something really so internal
As you keep finding way through external


Have you checked my new page? Yoga – My Work & Life

P. S. This post is a contribution to ForgivingFridays of dear Debbie. May we flow through Life with forgiveness and gratitude, for self and others.

Don’t Judge Me

Enjoy Solitude - in a sea of morning gold - Sanur beach - Bali - IMGL1938

Solitude by Atanu Chakraborty

Don’t use your religion-ality
To judge my Spirituality

Religion teaches, there exists a spirit
Spiritualness is, within me, feeling it

Religion teaches what is to be followed sincerely
Spirit of life clear & evident as I listened truly

Sometimes ritual leads to the spirit
Sometimes the spirit invokes a ritual

You and I both seek the same treasure
The keys to it we differently measure

It is unrelenting mystery, this life
Not so easy when you with me at strife

As seekers we are led to the same Light
From you I seek your wisdom and insight

Will you reckon me as I am?
Your exact footsteps,
I might not follow them

I ask of you earnestly
Don’t use your religion-ality
To judge my Spirituality

Perfect Duos


Photo by Pragalbha Doshi

Amazement & Gratitude

Contentment & Solitude

Accomplishment & Finitude

Refinement & Attitude

Commitment & Certitude

Moment & Quietude

Judgment & Perspective

Alignment & Aptitude

Enlightenment & Fortitude

Detachment & Habitude

I am so amazed of what gratitude can do, and so grateful for the amazements that come my way.

P.S. This came out of some moments of boredom in the day. I would love to know your thoughts, even if you think this was kind of boring 🙂
Peering into the beautiful flowers and then pairing these words did take my boredom away.


The Weeping Soul

Aged Beauty

Aged Beauty by Vikram Phale

We came to birth as babies crying
We grew up to live as humans smiling
Is there anyone else though
Who feels as if the soul is forever weeping?

No respite from this eternal seeking
That seeking itself is the source of ecstasy
The soul is as if the sage aged beauty
Wouldn’t want it otherwise just to make it easy

As the human yearns a sense of belonging
The soul knows what really is the longing
Is there anyone else who feels
As though the soul is forever weeping?

Breathe through the change

When turmoil of change comes, the choices are to either become very small in perception, as compared to the grandest scheme of things, or to become so grand in your way of being, that you are able to contain all that is happening around you, with utmost stability.

Close your eyes. Bring yourself to sit in front of the ocean, with the sun shining above the horizon. The Sun is the source of it all on this planet. Listen to the sound of your own breath …or listen to the sound of the waves. Whichever sound gives you the smoothest experience …choose that! Perceive yourself as this miraculous part of the grand scheme of things. The Source of goodness provides to all without discrimination. Trust that it prevails in all humans and situations. Invoke it as part of your experience now.

Look at the ocean …the infiniteness of it. Open your heart as if you contain that expansiveness. Breathe luxuriously. It is your foremost right. The ocean is vast …everything else are waves …of change, of any worry, of any turmoil …they pass, resolve …all dormant goodness would be eventually awakened …even more deeply …let us make the beginning within us!

P.S. I felt the urge to offer this meditation again today …for the ripples of change that we are feelling…  For full original post, use link below…

Reflections of Moon


Moon is associated with beauty
It simply receives the light as if duty
Reflects back the sunlight
No ownership, no might

The Sun is the Source
Its role of giving fierce
We burn up in the fierceness
When undiscriminatory our insistence
On giving without ourselves nourished
Moon shows receiving is not impoverished

Open your hearts to the moon
Soak up the moonlight and feel the soothe
More your willingness to receive
More will your light shine to perceive

Sun is the Source of it all
Moon shows how to become a part of it all