Go seek that which is waiting for you!

As humans, sometimes we go through the most mind/heart shattering experiences. They become a journey of profound transformation and there is no looking back from there. These experiences come in different forms – primary relationship breakups, intense health situations, life threatening illness, loss of someone close… All these experiences are common in the way how painful they can become.

When we feel like the ground under our feet has been pulled or shook violently, life as we know it, is no more …it’s only that …life, the way it existed, is ending.  It does not mean precious life itself is ending. It can just feel like dying, several times too, while alive. This is time of rebirth. Our personal rebirth. Intense transformation!  This kind of transformation uproots us at great depths. The process of birthing is very painful. So is this rebirth. It makes us cry. In mourning, of losing what we knew to be our normal.  Then, we have to learn to smile again. Find new beginnings.

In doing so, think only of your own well-being first. You cannot at this time afford any of your precious energy to think about what others think or even maybe how you want to revenge others. This is your journey. Be very selective in who you take along with you on this road. When we acknowledge our journey, we learn to recognize who is genuinely a part of it. We feel and become better for the joy of being with them. The rest realize that they have no business having fake concern for us. We realize we don’t need to put energy in anything that we can’t sustain or doesn’t nourish us …YOU ARE YOUR ONLY BUSINESS!

We find too many testimonials around, if we look, this road only leads to a beautiful life. You are never given what you cannot handle. You are too important to many people. Even though some have hurt you, or your own body seems to have betrayed you. Find gratitude for everything you find is serving you. You are not alone. You will now suddenly find all those gem of Beings who will see you for only being you. Not what they need you to be for them, or what they might want from you.

We are simply awakened to what is really true for us. I have come to call these places ‘our tunnels’. All of us go through them. And we are all supported in the utmost possible way. The more steps we willingly and courageously take, the more we get closer to the light at the end of the tunnel. We come out on the other side with clarity and luminosity. All those true to us and truly for us are found, waiting right there for us.

My favorite description  of this comes from Yoga teacher/Author Cain Carroll …

“The spiritual path eventually leads into the forest; each of us must walk that stretch alone. In the darkness of the unknown, a great fire consumes the conditioned version of who we constructed ourselves to be. All seems to be lost. What is lost truly never was. I call it the Great Disillusionment.”

This is our precious time with ourselves, to identify our strengths and resources. One day we will turn around and become the strength and resource for someone else. We would exactly help them explore the darkness of their tunnel and the richness of that experience. We would stand intact, to show them, how we used the overwhelming force of seemingly destructive change, that affected our perfect & normal life, to transform us into these tremendous beings filled to the brim with gratitude, kindness and love!

At the junction of what’s been and where we are headed, we look at the new beginnings with a new found sparkle in our eyes, as we open ourselves to the brilliant light and the miraculous beauty of Life ahead! We find Life to be perfect while never expecting it to be any perfect …We take it on with all its vibrant and varied hues!

Quoting Cain Carroll again …

“The living life force, like crystal clear radiant Light, is constantly holding and nourishing you. Open yourself fully to this Light, feel deeply into your being, let it drench every cell of your body and mind, and let it wash your heart into total love. When this process is complete, you will be fully healed.”

Go seek that which is waiting for you !!!


29 thoughts on “Go seek that which is waiting for you!

    • Dear friend from Alternate Dimension, Infinite Gratitude for your infinite kindness! You have taken my deepest journey ever and shared it with a bigger part of this planet than I could. You have helped me take this Light that I experienced through the journey to more infinite Beings! Heartfelt thank you for your kind gesture!

      Liked by 2 people

  1. This is such a beautiful post. A lot of the times, we forget to reach for the light at the end of the tunnel because of harrowing experiences. I hope to reach the beauty you speak of someday =).

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you very much for your kind response. If I may take this further, the light and the beauty can be reached only if we realize it here and now! The tunnel disappears if we find something beautiful and light in the present moment. Sometimes easier said than done! In my experience Gratitude in the present has been an amazing tool …the beauty keeps unfolding! Much love and peace! Will check your site …

      Liked by 1 person

  2. This post is so apt to my life at this moment. Thanks for giving me a new perspective on the tunnel… and I love the words: ” life as we know it, is no more …it’s only that …life, the way it existed, is ending. It does not mean precious life itself is ending.” – thank you!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Thank you very much for reading and letting me know how it is relevant to you! It means a lot to me that my experiences and what comes out of it …the Light that I experience is reaching another seeker. I will check your site.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. You already knew which is worth knowing. Then why you are shattered ?

    Just have faith in your knowing deeper and deeper.

    Life is ever bliss full.

    It’s difficult, indeed million times difficult to teach a ordinary soul. What you know is ultimate. Now just be the sheer being.

    Rest is illusion

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Thanks, PD….(I am taking the unsanctioned liberty of addressing you so) this was strangely a wonderfully timed read for me in the now. Kind of helped me clear the blur around situations where one needs to put the self first, even at the cost being perceived as being selfish. Something i have been pondering over for some time now, given certain situations I need to carry myself through! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • May I address you a friendly VS, or let me know your preference 🙂 I am greatly touched and overwhelmed a bit that you are taking the time to visit my posts and very grateful that they are a contribution to you. I wish you all the ease and joy through your situations. I support all the selfishness of kind hearts and aware souls as yourself!


  6. Anything friendly is always welcome! I love reading what makes me think beyond my own exposure to life, or offers me a different perspective than the one I already hold. Where it resonates it just seems easier to understand, appreciate and if need be inculcate. I enjoyed what I read in your posts….there is a lot of peace, calm and underlying sprituality in your writings…..just that! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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