The Fullness of Nothingness

Photo by Manish Doshi 2019 – I was resting my spine on Earth at the edge of Crater Lake Oregon after a long hike. The peace was refreshing, the blue is the real color of the lake & the photo unplanned.

“Do Nothing – It is the Brave who can truly rest on this planet”

Do Nothing – I wrote this poem in April 2018. I was reminded of it when I was trying to make sense of my current unexpected blog break. My Kind WordPress friends, YOUR comments on this poem comforted and validated me, after 4 years now. Hope you enjoy it – on the image above or revisit on the linked title.

Life is gloriously flowing through me and I am simply Being โ€“ at times very raw and at times spacious freedom from shedding deeper identities. I feel very blessed for the opportunity of this lifetime and the abundance I am surrounded by, that I get to steep myself in when I choose to do nothing.

In the beginning, my mind rebelled against not delivering to my own expectations of a given day. Even while engaged in hands-on tasks of everyday life, I was inwardly pulled to the WordPress Space wanting to post my latest poetry, read yours, and engage in precious conversations that are the gift of this space. Each time I attempted to explain/inform of my unintended break, I as if entered a portal of stunning nothingness. Spirit questioned if my words were better than silence and silence became the choice.

The guidance was strong, I got steered away from all engagement. The mind went into a lot of chaos initially, collecting pieces of past, present, and future to make sense of. Once I steadied myself by allowing all that to pass through, a lot of truth that I was unwilling to accept became evident. The lies that I lived with, shook my now-reality into a fast spin. A lot of disintegration and reintegration seemed due.

This one was a transition similar to others, and it was also a different space of magical drift into nothingness. I wasn’t in a healing hole sliding down like in the past. I was feeling spacious, raw, getting renewed – I was immersed in the utter Beingness. There were waves of grief as I shed my past self, yet no tears, I was steady. Just Being present in the moment. There was no need for anything to be different, all sense of direction and aspiration suspended. There was a need for Slowness, amidst the Infinite waves of life. I often tend to pick up doubt in this way of being as much as I advocate it. I moved past that eventually.

There was a child-like joy with the knowing to make choices with lots of breathing space around for my intuition to be heard – for my reality and tasks to be structured differently than I was holding them – I gave myself renewed permission for taking the time to do one thing at one time, one day at a time, one week at a time with deep attention, with no sense of urgency or busyness. I was thrilled with the trust I felt in the Glorious Unkown, while Being in the wide-open spaciousness and tender vulnerability of the moment. The nature of Presence is such.

Be-come – This is a short post from December 2019 that Spirit guided me to, during this phase of Nothingness. It had conveyed the exact words as a reminder for my current self and yet again – my WordPress friends YOUR comments on it are an absolute treasure to return to. I humbly offer this post to you to revisit or if you are new to my space since then.

Even if it felt like Nothingness – some Infinite Living ways continued – I attended to every day needs of my family, at times hosted guests, had sacred conversations while facilitating my private students, completed my assignments as a full-time student & attended classes for my 4 year-long yoga therapist training. The list of what I allowed to fall off my day feels longer still as I have allowed myself the luxury of plenty of time. That’s where I am ready to receive guidance to make choices in powerful and playful ways. I am not giving up on anything I started, all that I have held in my intention with utmost love and gratitude.

Photo by Manish Doshi 2015 – Powerful & Playful is how I choose ๐Ÿ™‚

“It is the Brave who can truly rest on this planet” – I am truly blessed and privileged for all that I am afforded – to dream and to live.

Dear WP friends – I look forward to visiting your blog space to find updates on your end that I have dearly missed. I sincerely hope you trust me when I say – my gratitude only deepens for this space with each passing day. It is very kind of you to allow and witness my inner process of living as you always do. My Presence, Slowness, Genuine Gratitude, Utmost Regard for you and your work, with Absolute Love and Humble Bow.

69 thoughts on “The Fullness of Nothingness

  1. You have been missed! Iโ€™m happy to hear youโ€™re back and happy you have come through another life cycle with fresh insights!

    Weโ€™re never spared those life cycles, we just learn more and more tools to deal with each phase as healthfully as possible!

    I feel as though my life is going through another change and Iโ€™m getting mixed messages about whether I will stay in my present circumstance or if itโ€™s all about to change.

    I remind myself to trust. The universe has had my back and isnโ€™t going to abandon me now! I just need to wait to see how things play out. I know from past experiences that when I try to force things along, that it doesnโ€™t work out that way. The universe doesnโ€™t like to be rushed. It prefers to allow everything to unfold, exactly as it should.

    When we observe the leaves growing from the buds on the trees, the buds swell bigger and bigger, finally breaking and instead of seeing a tiny leaf, there a fully formed leaf which emerges from its cocoon much like a butterfly does. It the first few days the leaves unfurl from themselves, thin and transparent, and after theyโ€™ve unfurled they become darker and more opaque.

    So it is with the next phase of our lives being prepared for us. The entirety is inside the bud and will reveal itself to us when it is time.

    Itโ€™s Springtime here, so this life message is all around me to see, reminding me to wait patiently, to allow life to unfold as it may!

    Blessings to you!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Dearest Tamara, this is exactly what makes time away from this space difficult ๐Ÿ™‚ What a privilege to return to your refelctions and words of wisdom!

      The times are exactly like that for the very perceptive ones like us – it is the waiting that can be most difficult if we forget to trust. It does seem like all is about to change yet there is a promise of all that belongs to us to come to us, with as much ease as we would allow. The Universe will not abandon us as you rightly said.

      You said everything that I left unsaid – I had connected to the energy of Spring very much during this initially confusing time. Your description is so deeply beautiful and I find it very resonant – it helped and helps me keep Being. The entirety is inside the bud – I love this, so true! It is all magic waiting to be revealed while we are given all the time to revel in the sheer being of it all.

      Thank you very much dear friend, you make me feel so good to return to this space, deep Gratitide and Love.

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      • With deepest pleasure my dear! We all need to just honor the rhythms of our own lives, whether they coincide with a blogging schedule or not!!

        I too have allowed the rhythms of my life to lead me, releasing all guilt! If I donโ€™t take the time to honor those things, I know I wonโ€™t be able to write from the place I need to!

        All is good!

        Liked by 1 person

  2. I am drawn to these two lines of your poem:
    “It is the Brave
    Who can truly rest on this planet.”
    Rest is important. I do it intentionally every week from Friday evening to Saturday evening based on the sabbath. Since I am retired this mainly involves no unnecessary computer interactions, but I do spend time reading real books.
    Best wishes.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you very much Frank for highlighting those lines – it is sad that many including me have found the ability to Rest quite brave to begin with. The momentum around often does not make it seem normal as it should be, I am grateful to know of your intentional weekly Rest, it is so valuable.

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    • “to stay in gratitude, love and become who you really are is what life is all about. ” – I absolutely loved reading this from you. It deeply affirmed and supported me in this way of being. Thank you very much dear kind Kamal, your presence and your words are of great value to me.


  3. Nothingness is that state of bliss, which few people dare to explore, especially with digital devices in their hands. I know that bliss, I have been there and it fills you with inexplicable emotions. Welcome to realms of unknown Prag! Enjoy the serenity.

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    • It did feel brave and needed to be reminded – oh but this is what real life is, underneath what we think of as reality. How much more deeper is available truly and I barely managed to scratch the surface, and the brilliance is overwhelming. I hope to keep going there. It is very affirming, encouraging and supporting to have your knowing words. Thank you very much for visiting, and taking the time. I feel like I am home, after the ‘diving’ vacation ๐Ÿ™‚ Thank you for being here.

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    • It is friends like you who make this Space so precious. The ability to pick up where we left off – so precious truly. Thank you very much, please trust me when I say your words mean a lot to me. Much Love to you, your beautiful daughter and family.

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  4. Nothingness is something we don’t readily gift ourselves with. You and your wise words were sorely missed but we have to submerge ourselves in our self periodically.
    Your posts always leave me with a smile of contentment. Welcome back, Pragalbha. Stay blessed. ๐Ÿค—โค๏ธ

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  5. As we chatted about I’m thrilled for you in creating space for yourself in be-coming all that wants to come through you Pragalbha! Your words are like poetry of chants and winds blowing doors open. If we are all honest with ourselves, this space is one that we all need desperately in our lives that can only be achieved by doing what you just did and often. I think this is an ebb and flow that is always in process. Good for you for heeding the call. It’s good to see you back! ๐Ÿ’–

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    • Dear Kind Friend Cindy, your thoughtful message really helped nudge me forward and back into this space – it was a true gift, Your powerful witnessing and affirming support is truly of great value. How sad it is that I feel Brave to make this Space of simple living in life. But then Time is that luxury we have to be very discerning about. You have gifted me with some very generous beautiful words of appreciation – they make my heart feel so good. Thank you very much truly deeply _()_

      Liked by 1 person

      • Oh Dearest Pragalbha,
        My heart is rich with warmth by your words and words that always sink into my pours leaving me full and satiated inside. To see one’s soul and know ones heart of intentions and to fully communicate them is rare so thank you from the deepest part of my being. I’s soooooo thrilled to know this was supportive and although not meant to be nudging, I’m glad you’re back. When I witness truth shared and love so freely given, it’s hard not to miss the mutual exchange of support.
        You are so welcome and thank you as well.
        In our life that is so full of choices and demands, we need to take the reigns in order to live a true authentic life with enough time and space to breath or we can be completely engulfed. …. I know too well.
        Have a beautiful Sunday dear one! ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ™

        Liked by 1 person

        • I am drinking in these wise knowing words of yours Cindy, I am receiving so much Love and Affirmation for my Being. It is this rare gift to me too – to be seen and understood for what I yearn to fully embody. It has been very long being this turtle in the race that I never signed up for and yet the surrounding momentum would keep knocking me down as if. I am loving it now that I have now simply decided to take a seat – I feel solid and stable. It means a lot to me to have you witness and support, and especially because for the first time I know someone who knows the air in this particular geography ๐Ÿ™‚ I feel absolute deep gratitude for you.

          Liked by 1 person

          • my heart is full with your words that penetrate deeply and are a blessing. Thanks you and you are most deserving and welcome. I am rejoicing to in the union and bond we share. I do know.. turtles are solid and smart to move at their own pace and honor those gifts. It is a joy and honor that you have allowed me into your heart space and soul. Thank you! ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ™

            Liked by 1 person

  6. Ah, the experiential space you write of is so powerful. The Guiding that occurs, and then the Mind as it relates to the happenings, with a sense of demand, attempting to pull us away from a deep conviction and knowing of our Truth. This Game is Holy, unexpected and expected, painful and blissful. All. Shedding those inner parts of ourselves that have been within us since childhood is a Transformational experience, one with many lessons, heartache, and Love that flourishes as the shedding gives way to the True Being. I am so delighted to resonate with your experiences, and am gleeful at the opportunity to read you, and be in this space with you, Pragalbha. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ’›

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Kind friend, it is such joy to have your visit and knowing thoughtful words to validate, comfort and empower this journey of continual Shedding, Being, Returning. You get this and it is such a privilege to have your kind attention and acknowledgment! It is a splendid journey for how it keeps us real and raw. “Love that flourishes as the shedding gives way to the True Being.” – this is the promise that keeps me going, thank you for stating it so beautifully. I have missed your beautiful poetry throughout, and look forward to finding my way back ๐Ÿ™‚

      Liked by 1 person

      • โ€œReal and rawโ€ are perfect concepts to describe this Shedding. Painful and so unbelievable beautiful. Itโ€™s a constant Renewal, each moment, again and again. Itโ€™s my honor and pleasure to be here. I am Blessed to resonate with you once again. A Gift. Ah, you will be there to read my poetry at just the perfect time. This is known. Have a gorgeous weekend, my dear friend. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿค

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          • Ah, I understand this so well. The slowness you are experiencing, is similar to the tiredness I have today. Same, and part of this shedding. Resonating, always. Itโ€™s always my complete pleasure and honor, Pragalbha. Always. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿค

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  7. Just when I begin to miss you most, you appear with this lovely and much-needed post! I love the title of this piece, and the way each sentence expands on the concept and fills with the idea. Nothing is always something, depending on our viewpoint and willingness to bend. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

  8. I was missing you here Pragalbha…infact hopped over a couple of times to check if I missed your post. But am so happy to read how you spent your break, in a state of “being”. In the busyness of today, with the inundation of digital gadgets, we seem to have forgotten the state of nothingness and the magic it has on us. Writing the nature series for the A to Z challenge has been a revelation of sorts, reinforcing the importance of to “just be”. This balance helps in shedding our external faรงade and the transformation one feels, is beyond words.
    Loved your quotations too ๐Ÿ™‚ Keep shining your light. Stay blessed โค !

    Liked by 1 person

    • I am in awe of our journeys Radhika, how we are travelling and arriving at similar conclusions in our own unique ways :)) You are Being your best expression through your stunningly rich series, that broke through the facades and brought us all to land at the inner resonance with nature. And I was inspired to pull myself into Silence, to Be the nature of Being. I agree with you, the transformation is beyond words. I feel renewed and am so grateful to have you alongside and here to come back to. Thank you very much, so much love to you :)))

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  9. These poems help to soothe the mind. A cool mind does help to keep at bay the vapouring thoughts. Keeping the mind devoid of thoughts does help to rejuvenate and know the real us in the heart rather than in the mind. I am happy to see you in this space where the hearts meet

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    • ” know the real us in the heart rather than in the mind.” – this is so wisely said and I absolutely agree. I am very glad nad grateful to have these beautiful reflections of your on my poem. It is indeed our hearts that receive these messages of resonance. Thank you very much, truly appreciate your presence and time.

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  10. There has been an expectation, created, that ‘we’ should go and do and keep doing. How refreshing life is when we discover that ‘non-stop’ life is not always a good thing, not always a productive thing, not always a way to be for everyone.

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  11. I’m glad to see you back! The mystery of your absence gave me the sense that you were on a deep and meaningful journey. That, in a way, renewed my hope and I’m happy to learn that my senses were correct ๐Ÿ˜Š

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    • Dear Moushmi, knowing that I could be a contribution to you always makes my day! That quote was a revelation dawning on me and it keeps becoming a fresh lesson time and again. Wishing you the best always, lots of love, ease and joy to you my dear friend.

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  12. This is such a beautiful and rich message! It is also the understanding to all our suffering in life. When we let go and trust. We allow the universe to give to us in ways we never imagined! Amen to this wisdom ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿงก๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿงก

    Liked by 1 person

  13. This is such a besutiful & peaceful picture of you…being one with the Universe…”Do Nothing”…profound of yours…I’m in awe after reading your words…it’s just not what you write…it’s also how you write…the words then take a multidimensional flow in me…”Spirit questioned if my words were better than silence and silence became the choice.”…to me the state of nothingness is divine…empty screen & no sound…serenity…it’s the state, from where I see things clearly…it’s a neutral place, where situations, environment, things & creatures are as they’re supposed to be…when there’s nothingness, then even a storm looks magical as we connect with the energy…it is truly Bravo, who get to truly rest in this planet…the echoing effect of your words is powerful & rhythmic…another beautiful picture of you, resting on that tree…it’s like you’re one with it…thank you for your profound sharing, Pragalbha โœจ

    P.S. : I don’t get WP sometimes coz I didn’t get any notification of your post…it didn’t even show me a new post when I searched your site under Reader segment of WP app

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    • Navin – thank you for seeing my words through eyes of divinity, I believe you do – it roots me back in to that space of spirit. You choose exactly and mirror back that which is to be amplified. It is a tremendous gift to me. Your descriptions of Nothingness are beautiful affrimations to me, reminders in this moment to be exactly that – everything just like it is supposed to be, I agree.

      Perhaps WP doesn’t find me loyal with my fickle presence lately ๐Ÿ™‚ Your visits have been very valuable to me, your reflections a great support to my Being. Thank you very much Truly _()_

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      • It’s my pleasure & honour to read your profound writings & be in the energy of them…I’m going to echo your words here…that your visits have been valuable to me…your reflections a great support of my Being…thank you very much truly…I’m echoing as I feel exactly like this…keep expressing & keep shining in your true light…

        Oh, I think there’s some glitch in WP…it’s not due to your so called fickle presence lately…

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