Envy & What can Be


Photo: Manish Doshi “Just Be & Shine”

All that you envy, it is very possible to achieve

All that you can Be, is impossible for others to perceive

Simple reason to keep Being what you truly can Be

And that is how you might become the one envied

But then you become oblivious to the very concept of Envy


P.S. I think you will like another short one about Envy – Here, Take them All, ifΒ you haven’t already read it πŸ™‚

This post is a contribution to ForgivingFridays of ForgivingConnects. Debbie Roth’s work here facilitates how we can truly Be with forgiveness and compassion.

64 thoughts on “Envy & What can Be

  1. To me, when we envy, we don’t ever achieve what we would like to achieve. That envy eats us alive. It is when we have our eyes on no one else and shoot for a goal we ourselves intend in our lives, we are free to live without envy eating us alive. And if others envy us for what we have done or are doing, that is not for us to take upon us. This is SO beautiful, Prag, and so full of wisdom!!! Thank you and πŸ™πŸΌ. 🌸🌸🌸

    Liked by 3 people

      • Oh, Pragalbha, you are so welcome! It is an honor for me to confirm life for you in my words. If it is one thing I have learned which is critical, life can become so difficult and complicated. For this reason alone, I have learned my own system of coping and belief that is simple in nature. The minute I start listening to others and changing my “simple ways” I begin to feel overwhelmed and confused. I pass this on to you as well. It took me many years to figure out what works best for ME. And when I stick to that, my life hums. Yes? Go take a really good look at the Peace on my face in the image that I took while at the gym on my latest post. That Peace is there because I live a simple life according to ME. (((HUGS))) Amy🌹

        Liked by 1 person

  2. How thought provoking dear one; I enjoyed being reminded that we do best if we stand strong in our self belief, and remain impervious to external influences. Such a nice piece to read on a quiet Friday evening as I retreat from the busy world of the last week ❀

    Liked by 2 people

  3. *Pragalbha* or PD in short,

    This is a great a post. Short and very insightful. The Bible says, *”A heart at peace gives life to the body, but envy rots the bones”*. We understand that when we are cool but when we start comparing we become restless seeing others prosper and that envy rots our bones.

    Regards, CP

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  4. Wow, Pragalbha, this is truly an amazing post. I love (and am so touched) by your expression of the truth inside of each of us that transcends qualities like envy. That is the place where forgiveness and loving reside. Bless you Pragalbha and THANK YOU for sharing this poem for #ForgivingFridays! I’ll highlight it this Friday. πŸ™‚ Blessings and Gratitude – Debbie

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  5. Pingback: Today’s Forgiving Fridays: You are so beautiful – ForgivingConnects

  6. Pingback: Envy & Inspiration | Infinite Living

  7. Beautiful thoughts on how we can rid ourselves of envy with joy of the innerself. Absolutely love the way it ended “But then you become oblivious to the very concept of Envy”. πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

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  8. Pingback: Eyes Look Longingly | Infinite Living

  9. Pingback: About Being Myself | Infinite Living

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