NOwhere IS SOMEwhere!


Somewhere Alone

If you find yourself lonely and NOwhere
Know that you are definitely SOMEwhere
Look back where you have been
Perhaps surrounded by company
You seem to have moved on unseen
Probably looking for some symphony

Scary as it may seem
Rise above all that agony
Fall deep in your own self
Sound of your breath and your heartbeat
First tangible ways of feeling and knowing yourself

As you rest there a while
New directions and new perceptions
New instincts and new inspirations
New experiences and new interactions
So much of the brilliance to unfold
Nothing though you can hold

Sight of a squirrel lifts you to lightness
Sight of the sun offers such brightness
The moon shines with so much love
Suddenly in the middle of NOwhere
As you become NOWhere
You find YOURSELF somewhere
On this miracle of a planet
Lonely becomes a lot of rich Alone
More alone ones come for sweet company
All of Life simply a perfect symphony!


P.S. Dear Debbie, I contribute this poem to ForgivingFridays , peace to all that we judge in ourselves!

69 thoughts on “NOwhere IS SOMEwhere!

  1. Wow. Pragalbha, I am so touched. I agree “From NOwhere to NOWhere” is simply profound. Plus the many somewheres we need to go in order to learn how to love and be compassionate with ourselves. I am reminded of an amazing quote from my spiritual teacher:

    β€œIt takes great courage to see the face of God because you first have to look at your own.”
    -John-Roger (it’s from a great book, Forgiveness: The Key to the Kingdom)

    Thank you, thank you for contributing this for Forgiving Fridays. Your poem – and the loving and peace that rides on it – is an enlightenment for my entire blog post.

    Blessings, Pragalbha and have a beautiful week,

    Liked by 5 people

    • Such beautiful heart and words you have Debbie πŸ™‚ Yes, so many somewheres we wander until we learn to be with ourselves. That quote is amazing and powerful! I receive love and peace every time I interact with you. Thank you very much.

      Liked by 3 people

        • hahaha, I’ve never dared to Einstein yet..I think that will end frustrating ..,) but this quote was nice and easy…; ).. by the way, I had a copyfault .. Actually, I wanted to make “NOwhere to NOWhere” …. which I think genial. ..but from a general NO to a NOWhere it is also a big step … probably it’s already a big step from the all denying “NO” to a “NOwhere”! Thank you so much ForgivingConnects!!!

          Liked by 2 people

  2. As you rest there a while
    New directions and new perceptions
    New instincts and new inspirations
    New experiences and new interactions
    So much of the brilliance to unfold
    Nothing though you can hold
    Love this and the fact that what is amazing can not be held,
    if only in memories and the heart for always ❀
    Nice job as always Pragal ❀ ❀ ❀

    Liked by 2 people

  3. This poem is so beautiful and deep. I especially enjoy these lines:

    Rise above all that agony
    Fall deep in your own self
    Sound of your breath and your heartbeat
    First tangible ways of feeling and knowing yourself

    Thank you for sharing as always. ❀

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Pingback: Today’s Forgiving Fridays: Letting Go of Right and Wrong (Whew!) – ForgivingConnects

  5. It seems dear Pragalha we are on the same page as my last three poems I have yet to publish here on WP have been about going deeper within to that space of self discovery.. This was a fabulous contribution ..
    Sending Blessings your way

    Liked by 1 person

  6. My mind took me on a different journey from the image during this poem. Until recently had always felt so more more often in a place of ‘found,’ than ‘lost,’ in nature opposed to when I’m in large groups of people I may not know that well. I thought of how knowing and loving yourself provides a feeling of ‘found,’ which transforms new perceptions to be that much more aligned with how you’re feeling, ‘nowhere,’ in a place where you’re totally aligned with your senses which is the image you showed. Awesome poem Pragalbha! Can’t wait to be ‘nowhere’ in Thailand in a week πŸ™‚

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