
Don’t try to fix
What you see as
Weakness in me
You might be
Messing with
What is actually
Strength in me
Authenticity & Vulnerability

I admire you
For your boldness
Don’t judge me
For my softness
That’s how
I hold you too
Just like how
I like to be held
Kind & Compassionately

The WordPress community has played an enormous role in my ability to express Spirit’s voice and share my honest message in the world. I am continually empowered to show up with authenticity and vulnerability. To be heard and received unconditionally is a luxury imagined and unimagined. I am dedicated to this journey of showing up, to listen to every calling – big and small. Each time we show up we break some known and unknown barriers within. So here’s ‘Me’ humbly showing up to meet you in utmost Gratitude, and a new sense of sovereignty.

135 thoughts on “Me

  1. I will join in with you. “. I am dedicated to this journey of showing up, to listen to every calling – big and small. Each time we show up we break some known and unknown barriers within. So here’s ‘Me’ humbly showing up to meet you in utmost Gratitude, and a new sense of sovereignty. “

    Liked by 3 people

  2. I agree with Frank. I love your reminder that what is perceived as a weakness or problem can actually be a strength. Thanks for sharing yourself openly, along with the fun photo Pragalbha. May we give each other the gift of acceptance.

    Liked by 3 people

  3. Excellent 😊👍
    Your posts are really inspiring 😌
    Shows everything in building strength, confidence, knowledge and insights.
    I admire you.
    Thank you so much for your beautiful lines ❤️
    I am delighted ☺️
    Regards 🙏😊

    Liked by 3 people

  4. What an amazing message of Love and Light, Pragalbha. “I am continually empowered to show up with authenticity and vulnerability. To be heard and received unconditionally is a luxury imagined and unimagined” This is profound, and speaks to me of the constant vigilance to speak our truth and live a life on our terms full of Love and all the work we are here to do. Many people will get in the way, for it is part of the Drama, and yet they are confused about the reality if the situation, as they have been programmed to react from a space of fear. However, when we realize this as so, compassion blossoms, and we feel unfettered to continue to take our actions and to be the Love the world so desperately needs. I am so grateful to you for this message this evening. Empowering and inspirational, are you. 🙏💛

    Liked by 3 people

    • Constant vigilance to speak our truth, live a life on our terms full of love – this is such beautiful way of affirming what it means to live with authenticity and vulnerability, it brings refreshed meaning to me in the moment.
      “people will get in the way, for it is part of the Drama,” – this is such a comforting friendly support by acknowledging what is part of the process and not to be judged.
      The world does need our tribe of Love and Comapssion to come together. It is so good to know none of us are, I am not alone in this.
      Thank you very much Jeff for shining the light fo your wise knowing and understanding, it contributes to me immensely.

      Liked by 2 people

      • It’s always my pleasure to reflect back understanding of your beautiful words, Pragalbha. They uplift me, and make the moments I get to spend in resonance with you so joyful and meaningful. It’s an honor and a privilege. Always. 🤍🙏

        Liked by 2 people

  5. Adorable you! Carefree and color-coordinated photo. 🌻 Kindness should have its limits when others go too far, but many misguided fools do mistake kindness for weakness. Kind and compassionate people should be aware of this behavior practiced by those less enlightened but should stay true to their (needed) nature. It takes fortitude and courage to practice authenticity and vulnerability – a greater inner strength than reacting, intimidating, or bullying.

    Liked by 4 people

    • Thank you for appreciating the photo! This was a fun photo just because I was happy to spot the yellow wall, little did I know it had better plans 🙂
      Your words make my heart soar with being affirmed and encouraged for my message. I am so grateful Michele for you offering your own way of expressing the same. It definitely supports my choices and ways of being. Thank you very much truly.

      Liked by 3 people

    • Dear Pragalbha,

      I concur with Michele Lee! Moreover, I really like the final paragraph of your post entitled “Me”:

      The WordPress community has played an enormous role in my ability to express Spirit’s voice and share my honest message in the world. I am continually empowered to show up with authenticity and vulnerability. To be heard and received unconditionally is a luxury imagined and unimagined. I am dedicated to this journey of showing up, to listen to every calling – big and small. Each time we show up we break some known and unknown barriers within. So here’s ‘Me’ humbly showing up to meet you in utmost Gratitude, and a new sense of sovereignty.

      Since your post is so well done, I shall acknowledge your good effort and accentuate your Spirit’s voice with the following:

      Be brave
      Be bold
      Be beautiful
      Be you

      Wishing you and Michele a productive week and a wonderful mid-March doing or enjoying whatever that satisfies you the most, whether aesthetically, physically, intellectually or spiritually!

      Yours sincerely,

      Liked by 2 people

  6. I am with you when you say that the WP community is indeed a wonderful community with brilliant and supportive bloggers/writers/artists. I for one started in WP many years ago, with no expectations at all but it turned out WP gave me the opportunity anyone could only dream and imagine.

    Liked by 4 people

  7. Spot on. I once had someone tell me (she was a coworker) that it was her “job to fix” me. I was never very confrontational at the time. But I stared her down and said “I am not broken”. I had to explain to her that my boundaries were not a weakness, they were a strength. Like your words said though, she saw them as a weakness. I loved this post.

    Liked by 2 people

    • “bold writing, alive with discovered confidence” – I absolutely loved having this compliment and feedback from you Jaya. It means a lot to have your affirming and encouraging words. So thrilled to know this is your new favorite!! Thank you ever so much truly _()_

      Liked by 2 people

  8. Wow! What a picture Prag! Is that you? I love that innocence in your smile, the yellow background, symbolic of light and love, exuding confidence in sync with your thoughts. What else is perfection? Qualities of heart and soul merge in this poem. 🥰

    Liked by 2 people

    • “Is that you?” – is how I feel too Balroop, the shifts and changes within have been relentless 🙂 I am grateful for how willing I am becoming to show up in all different ways and not hide for all kinds of non-reasons. Your words of appreciation that acknowledge innocence and confidence together feel very precious to me – your perception of me is all of what You are truly, the lens of love and light that you bring to me helps me shine all of that within me, in ways I sincerely hope to Becoming. So honored by your last statement – “Qualities of heart and soul merge in this poem” Just truly humbled by the kindness and support you bring to me, thank you ever so much _()_

      Liked by 3 people

  9. The first thing I noticed was…”Don’t try to fix
What you see as…Weakness in me”…I kept reading till the very end…which isn’t the end in reality…profound & powerful are the 2 words appearing on my screen…This poem is you…I know, you already know it…that’s why you’ve written it…I’m seeing it from the body language & essence pov…Real smile, pure shine in your eyes, grace on your face…you are very much present in this photo…by that, I mean your energy…this photo of yours is beautiful & lovely…it’s singing this poem…you haven’t reached here just like that…this is what I sense when I see & read “Me”…”I am dedicated to this journey of showing up, to listen to every calling – big and small.”…do I need to add anything more to this when it’s written with stars?…Infinite Living says it all 💫

    Liked by 1 person

    • profound & powerful – these 2 words together are the most fulfilling compliments to receive. I am continually arriving to Powerful only because of the kind and affirming support such as yours, WP truly keeps giving new life to the real Me. All the tenderness of the journey seen and witnessed with such care and then only empowered. How did I get so lucky? I had no idea that casual photo by my husband had a agenda of its own – to bring me to show up in the world with that poem hidden in my drafts. I was simply thrilled to spot the yellow wall, a color I had ‘felt’ for the day and chosen to wear. Synchronicity is sacred to me, reminds me of the miraculous in the mundane. So I receive your acknowledgments and appreciation with gratitude – “you haven’t reached here just like that” – oh thank you for saying that! Thank you for being here and present to my human journey, and the blessings of Infinite Living.

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      • I love the way you’ve written human journey in “Thank you for being here and present to my human journey, and the blessings of Infinite Living.”…this says a lot…it’s truly my honour to reflect on your writings…your knowing…your truth, which is the truth…WP keeps giving new life to the real Me, which is You…coz you keep blessing us with your wisdom & realizations…it goes both ways, my dear friend…that casual photo taken by your husband had a profound agenda…it’s not a coincidence that you found the matching poem in your drafts…your block of drafts seem to be a treasure box…Synchronicity is sacred to me as well…just right now I’ve received a new comment from you on my latest post…the email notification popped up on my phone screen while I’m writing these lines to you…thank you for being YOU 💫

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    • Reading your words today gives me utmost fulfillment dear Moushmi💛 I am grateful for any contribution I could bring to you. Thank you very much for visiting and letting me know. My best wishes for ease, joy and well-being for you always 🌹✨

      Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Cindy 🙏🏼🌹 I sincerely hope you feel my very deep deep gratitude for you.

      I feel certain that it was about 2 days ago that you dropped into my heart-mind-thoughts, around the same time perhaps you left me this thoughtful kind message.

      I am ok – I am actually well, this is a transition of sorts unlike others, I tried so many times to come back and explain/inform of my unintended, unexpected break – as if I entered a portal of stunning nothingness and was repeatedly guided away. Spirit questioned if my words were better than silence and silence became the choice.
      Life is gloriously flowing through me and I am simply Being – at times very raw and at times spacious freedom from shedding deeper identities.

      I trust and hope that I make sense 🙏🏼

      Thank you for your email – I will drop a line or more. I thought I would say a line here and share more in the email, not really knowing what I would say. The heart just poured it up here 🙂

      I hope to come back soon, my gratitude only deepens for this space with each passing day🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼💛


    • Dear Cheryl, Very kind of you to visit Me here and share such thoughtful beautiful words and wishes! Thank you very much. I am just about returning from my break as I shared in my next and latest post. It is such happiness to have wonderful blog friends like you to return to. I look forward to visiting your updates that I missed.

      Liked by 1 person

  10. And I am so grateful that you are showing up dearest Pragalbha, And I love your authentic self. We are often challenged and those same challenges actually strengthen us..
    I have not been showing up as often in WP.. As I have also been following my authentic self.. Doing what my soul guides me to do.. And I have stepped away for large chunks of time away from the Internet, and into my own creative space of BE….ing….
    But I am always drawn back and while I have missed many of your posts dear Pragalbha, know I hold and cherish your essence of who you are and the wisdom that you impart.
    We are each holding space within this time frame of existence as the Light filters through and the darkness is brought to the surface..
    We will witness some more challenges yet to unfold.. But we will hold true to our BEing, of who we are.. As we hold love and compassion as we become Bolder in our commitment of becoming our Sovereign Self..

    Much love dearest Pragalbha.. Loved your image.. and words ❤ 🙏✨

    Liked by 1 person

    • It is the most beautiful and powerful privilege and gift of this lifetime to have you walking alongside this transformational journey on this planet – you have led the way and kept it lit throughout the time since I connected with you. This space is significant because of your presence and company, the inspiration and affirmation to keep Being and cultivating the peace that is possible. I draw so much courage of not being answerable to anyone but mySelf, from you. Thank you for this visit and your Love, always.

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      • Aww.. that is so good to know Pragalbha, and it helps keep me going to, to know that.. So thank you.
        I have needed to draw a lot of courage recently, and its knowing that how ever small of insignificant a thought or a word may seem.. It’s knowing that we are making a huge difference in the world with our light, and our sovereignty of holding our integrity of BE-ing…
        Sending continued Love and much gratitude for your grace and presence.. Love Sue ❤

        Liked by 1 person

        • I see the courage, I feel the courage, I know the courage. Just Being feels so, and that is exactly the ask of the moment. A lot of good ripples are created from that, I am learning to own it, embody it, express it. Infinitely Grateful dear Sue, truly and deeply _()_


  11. powerful, empowering and insightful… you have angelic wings invisible to the naked eye, but marveled upon those who can declare, when I am weak I am strong… it is apart of the process and processing the emotions vs the experience while realizing this leads to growth! wonderful and you are beautiful

    Liked by 1 person

    • You shower me with your deepest kindness, I so humbly receive and hope to stay this positive and powerful energy you regard me with _()_ Thank you very much, I am truly honored to have your thoughtful reflection and appreciation.


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