A true Relation


Photo: Arnav Doshi, our son captured this photo of us 🙂

“Waves on the Sands of Time”

The richness of togetherness
Often is in the casualness
And the assuredness
In the seperateness

There is not much of day-to-day missing
More of the genuine caring and sharing
Relation sometimes easily taken granted
But never in the least slanted
Utmost trust and respect
Not a you-versus-me prospect

The differences are the strength
Work em out or let them be
The samenesses are the faith
On which you operate as WE

There is no as such fairy tale
There’s some laughs and some wail
It’s just how you help fly and sail
Look at the other soar with pride
While keeping pride itself aside

Each is a person evolving sole
Infinite being exclusively
It takes the finest of soul
To watch you on your own be whole
Yet be a partner unconditionally

Do I need an occasion or apprehension
To celebrate this true relation?
The heart spoke to me auspicious today
With such feeling and emotion …


Recently my husband & I celebrated our 20th Anniversary, 20 years of creating waves on the sands of time 🙂 The above poem, originally published on Aug 30, 2016, was a raw feeling then and now feels truer than ever. It only felt natural to share it again now, and also it was read by fewer WP friends back then.


Related posts on True Relations –
To the Perfect Spouse – 20 words only

Is there a perfect spouse? – short prose

A good marriage is the best – short poem

Relationships – A choice or a privilege – prose

P S : This post is an humble contribution to ForgivingFridays on Forgiving Connect, a blog by Debbie Roth, a beautiful one that you will find.

83 thoughts on “A true Relation

  1. As I was reading this I found it true of any reciprocal relationship. Moving onward, helping, guiding, yet letting one another be their own unique soul.

    It’s nice that you have this kind of relationship with your husband. It is healthy and a place in which both of you can grow. In relationships, differences often support one another. Enlightenment is often within the process of seeing a different perspective.

    I like how you weave these thoughts in and out of the piece.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Yes, it is true of any reciprocal relationship. Marriage is one formality given by society. I am blessed and grateful to get to create it the way it feels most truthful.
      ‘In relationships, differences often support one another. Enlightenment is often within the process of seeing a different perspective.’ – This is such profoundness what you say, it is so true, it humbles me.
      It is such happiness the way you interpret my poem, thank you very much!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Congratulations on being married for 20 years, dear friend. Now that is a milestone and a huge achievement!!! Your words flowed weaving as they did a very deep emotion that just tugged hard at my Heart. Beautifully penned and the photograph is awesome! Brava! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

    Liked by 3 people

  3. Pragalbha, you are so wise. I get something out of every single one of your poems. I feel like you have a beautiful way of pulling back the veil of our common understanding of things and allowing us to gaze into the core of reality. And you help us see the beauty in it. Thank you, Friend. And happy anniversary!

    Liked by 1 person

    • “pulling back the veil of our common understanding of things and allowing us to gaze into the core of reality. And you help us see the beauty in it.” – with this feedback you give me the highest form of happiness and contentment of my unsaid purpose here on this planet. Thank you ever so much my friend, also for your wishes!


  4. Simply beautiful! Happy Anniversary and may God continue to bless you and your husband. And that’s a lovely photo your son took. 💙

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Congratulations on 20 years with your husband, this is such a beautiful way to celebrate, Pragalbha.

    Something told me to come and check your blog for a good contribution for #ForgivingFridays. I’m going to share this tomorrow ok? In what you write, the caring and loving of partnership is a shining example of forgiveness. ❤

    If you'd like to link the post, you are welcome to – and fine if not! You can add #ForgivingFridays to your tags. And here is the pingback: https://forgivingconnects.com/2018/06/01/todays-forgiving-fridays-the-way-out-is-through/

    Much love, Pragalbha!! Have a beautiful weekend to you and your family,

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Pingback: Today’s Forgiving Fridays is about…Happy-ness! – ForgivingConnects

  7. Congratulations upon your wonderful Anniversary Pragalbha, And I am delighted you re-posted your poem again.. Loved reading the truth within it. Indeed no relationship is ever plain sailing,We all have the calm and the storms.. Laughter and Tears.. But the strength that brings binds us ever closer in our bonds.. We celebrated our 43rd at the beginning of the year , and each year grows stronger.. 🙂
    Beautiful poem.. 🙂 ❤
    Continued Blessings Pragalbha xx

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Pingback: Relations & the Balance | Infinite Living

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