Life Pulse


Photo Credit : Vikram Phale “Flow through the Dense”

It is a slow moving subtle force
This one that comes from the Source
It is an incessant life pulse
Felt at times as a powerful surge

It permeates through the Being
It cuts through the dense, deeply piercing
It makes all the living truly alive
You feel every feeling very live

Itself as so relentless, makes you so too
Joy or pain, no difference in your pursuit
Unimagined moments lead you to a curve
Sometimes hairpin turns that rightly serve

The thrill is not knowing exactly how
A day set out on, as you think now
Would turn out, you just go humbly wow
All miracalised, you simply flow

The awe is in the process of it all
How all of this adventure
Is something really so internal
As you keep finding way through external


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P. S. This post is a contribution to ForgivingFridays of dear Debbie. May we flow through Life with forgiveness and gratitude, for self and others.

52 thoughts on “Life Pulse

  1. Oh God I love this poem. You remind me of Hafiz and how the love inside guides us perfectly on our grand adventure to experiencing ourselves as love!!! Love and Light to you, and I’m honored to share this poem for #ForgivingFridays. Thank you so much for including it. Blessings, Debbie

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  2. The biggest miracle of all is that this adventure is so internal, yet it involves us making our way through the external. May we go with the flow of each moment and embrace what’s before us. Beautifully expressed, as always.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Pingback: Today’s Forgiving Fridays: Speaking Kindness to Myself :) – ForgivingConnects

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