My Worry for You


Photo: Manish Doshi, Photographed: My son, at sunset on Kauai

My worry for you is my arrogance
As if your life journey is by my sustenance
It’s only my attachment and gratification
To be a defined part of your vivification
As if I distrust the soul ability of your person
To find your own purposeful navigation

For me to be any worthful contribution
I would find a way in thought, word & action
Offer to you with grateful & unhurried acceptance
Trust the gift of your own endurance
Assuredly allow all of the miraculous
Waiting to flow to you from the Universe

My worry about you is my arrogance


This post is a contribution to ForgivingFridays of ForgivingConnects. Dear Debbie I admire and enjoy your work of surrender, acceptance & forgiveness.

70 thoughts on “My Worry for You

  1. This is what I am learning, Prag, that I pass on to you. The more we try to “pull” someone to a place “we think” they should go, the more we are actually blocking them to come into their own fullness. “What you resist, persists.” Yes there comes a time when we are called upon to assist someone. We must, however, know when to cut the chord to allow the other freedom to fall, to grown, to become. Not easy. Your poem, as usual, very very deep and powerful. Bless you for sharing your Gift with us!! Much Love to you! 💖💖💖

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    • Yes, that has been a deep learning for me in all kinds of relationships – to allow their own journey. You have described it very beautifully. Not easy, very true. I am so much better at detaching completely now. Thank you so much truly 🙂 It is so assuring to have you affirm my life lessons coming through!

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      • You are very welcome, dear friend. IF I ever come off sounding bossy or “know it all” please just let me know. I do not ever intend to be this way. I am just in my way sharing from my experience to assist you on your Life Journey. These Lessons are far from easy and to have confirmation is nice, however, isn’t it? So much Love to you this day! 💖💖💖

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        • I see you as a best friend in life school who can exactly understand and relate to the kind of experiences we are having while learning and growing 🙂 As you have rightly said, the lessons are far from easy, so the confirmations, affirmations and smiles that come through our interactions are precious. It is the way of the Universe to ensure that we don’t ever give up yet also enjoy the ride a bit. Love and Gratitude 🙂

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          • Oh, Honey, I’m much relieved. I do not ever wish to come across as a know it all. I recently had a very upsetting interaction with someone who deemed it necessary to explicitly tell me why my life experiences are what they were, jumping to all kinds of conclusions, when the story behind my experiences were not even know. Tread carefully around such a one who claims to know everything. IF I ever come across that way to you, or if you see that in any of my conversations, I want you to take me to the side and talk to me. OK? I am here to assist, to guide, to show by example through my life what it is to live in Love, but I will not straight out tell someone what their business is. I do not have the right to do that. Bless you a hundred times over for saying what you did here. You have moved me to tears. This interaction I had deeply troubled me and I so wish to make sure I do not come to be a “know it all”. (((HUGS))) and so much Love to you!!! 💖💖💖

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            • You and I have intersected at a much higher plane than regular earthly conversations. What flows through us to each other will always be in truthfulness, that I trust. We are already looking out for each other in so many ways 🙂 So I also trust that the Universe will never allow us to keep things from each other. What needs to be said will be said truthfully in the moment.
              I have been told at times that I wouldn’t know their pain because I am ‘blessed’ with such and such ‘comfort’. I have learned a great deal about allowing time for them to understand that I mean exactly what I say and also that it is for them to ask me before I decide to ‘help’ them. It isn’t easy because that means a lot of life with my own self …it has been rewarding that way.
              A big Hug and Love.


              • It takes a long time to have and to develop discretion on what to say to whom and who what not to say. I have an ability to feel and understand where a person is coming from and that is how I talk to them. There are times I must admit I stumble and I fumble and I fall and I am a big enough person to admit that I did put my foot in my mouth. My only intention is to help others and to encourage. Yes these conversations have become extremely special to me as well. Know that I trust explicitly what you say and if something does strike me as off I would tell you in truthfulness. Respect is a two-way street as a relationship. If one person claims that he or she knows without even discussing, the alarm for me goes off. Thank you, my friend. You have helped me immensely today. I really was shaken by this conversation I had because it just felt all wrong and I was very shocked as well. My judgment was off which surprised me. So yep I am human after all and yep I am still making mistakes and learning. Much Love to you! 💖💖💖

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                • Another area where I struggled too – to accept my human mistakes. They seem very big to us because of our deeper awareness of things. As if we failed something. I guess this is where best friends in school make a joke and laugh together 🙂 🙂 Gosh I am not very good at that!
                  We are eager Amy, to be of service and sometimes we just spill it. It is the other’s journey to reach where we are. We don’t judge them yet we judge ourselves.
                  It is a happy day to be of contribution to you, as you always been to me. Much Love.


  2. Very true.

    However, worry in this way is a form of deep love and is capable of sustaining. But, we also need to step back and watch them on their way, and hoping the they know deep their heart , that they can come to us whenever they need. And even if they fall and dont come to us, a warm smile, a warm hug says so much without saying a word.

    Worrying is not healthy at best. But a mothers heart cant help it. Arrogance and ego can be there, but life is a learning curve for young and old.

    Beautiful post as ever.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Pragalbha, this is a profound poem. It made me slow down and honor the dignity inside of each one of us. An exquisite expression of “Namaste”. Blessings to all who read it. ❤ Thanks for contributing it for #ForgivingFridays — it's an honor to share. Have a gorgeous week, Pragalbha. Blessings, Debbie

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  4. That is a beautiful piece of writing Pragalbha, And these lines stood out for me,
    “To find your own purposeful navigation
    For me to be any worthful contribution
    I would find a way in thought, word & action”

    It all starts with the frame of our thoughts, as we are mindful of our words that translate into action.
    Sending love and Blessings and many thanks for your own kind thoughts recently. LOVE Sue ❤

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  5. Pingback: Today’s Forgiving Fridays: Endless Possibilities! – ForgivingConnects

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