Happy Greetings for Amazing Times!

Photo by myself: First Sunrise of 2022

Happy Greetings for amazing times in the year ahead, my dear respected long time friends and newer heartfelt connections through our words in this space! I am always and ever so humbled and thrilled to be here and have this space to be here.

I did not really want to take a break from blogging during this holiday season – I kept coming here and then feeling very silent, so that’s what I stayed with, silence and all of you in my heart.

Silence did not translate into solitude for me – As much as I took an unintended break from much activity, life was brimming full with homely family time, island vacation, and a sense of blessedness for it all.

Life brings so much beauty through intensity, and also intensity through beauty! I raise one to you all, to drink it in with gratitude for the splendor of it all.

Though I feel fulfilled about honoring the silence regarding being here, I do feel the regret of being absent on reading your works. It is my loss when I don’t get to visit you. I will now take the time to make up as much possible for my misses. To my new visitors – I am greatly honored that you chose to spend time in this space. To my old friends – I apologize for being unresponsive to your comments for so long.

On another note, I am very happy and proud to share a poet friend Lalit Kumar’s first poetry book “Years Spent : Exploring Poetry in Adventure, Life and Love” Sharing my favorite lines from him:

“Niggling fear or the raging fire

whom should I choose?

I choose fear,

feels my life beginning to shrink.

I choose fire

I expand beyond my proportion.”

I hope you check it out and enjoy it as much as I did. I like how he relates to poetry the way I do – this surge that comes from experiences of our worldly quests and inner explorations of ourselves. His poetry feels like our story really. He writes beautifully about all things life – success, transitions, emotions, pain, love, etc. For my Delhi readers, this book will also be displayed at New Delhi World Book Fair in Pragati Maidan, Jan 8th – 16th.

93 thoughts on “Happy Greetings for Amazing Times!

    • It is so wonderful to ‘see’ you my friend, you are certainly in my thoughts often. Thank you very much for your love dear friend, sending you love and only the best and beyond for you and your family.


  1. Happy 2022, Pragalbha. ❤️ I too was on an unintended break. Silence does sometimes fill our cup to the brim.
    That’s a lovely poem you have shared. Sadly, there may not be the book fair (though there is no official announcement) because the numbers are rising and along with night curfew, weekend curfew has been imposed in Delhi.

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  2. Ah, it is so good to have you back and to read you again, Pragalbha. I’m so happy to read that you enjoyed your time away, and whereas solitude didn’t come, splendid time with family did. How lovely. This line here speaks to me deeply, “ Life brings so much beauty through intensity, and also intensity through beauty!” An apparent paradox of life, yet experiential, when we are open to all that comes, just how it works. Is lovely. I also took the opportunity to purchase the poetry book recommendation. I do love being exposed to new-to-me poetry. Thank you for this recommendation. It is a joy to be back here with you, sharing this space of love, kindness, and joy, you have created. Honored and grateful. 💙🙏

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    • My heart smiles a deep smile at your kind visit and warm welcoming words Jeff :)) You understand the paradox only like you do! The more open we are to live fully and deeply, the more beauty and intensity we are showered with. I feel insane sometimes and yet wouldn’t choose it any other way 🙂 I know you get it, right? Truly appreciate your kindness and such amazing support, it means a lot to me. Infinite Gratitude my friend, truly treasure your being here _()_

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      • I’m so glad this is so, Pragalbha. Then two hearts are smiling this evening. Yes, that’s exactly it, and I too feel insane at times, it is a part of it, I think, the deepening of the understanding. Oh, yes, I get it, wholly and completely. You’re most welcome, my dear friend. The honor and privilege are all mine. Blessed to be here. 🙏💙

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    • Ah you are ever so kind to give the most of precious wishes for me truly _()_ My growth mind and verse mind seem to travel on parallel tracks often – I pray they become one. I receive your wishes for this year fully and deeply, Thank you also for appreciating the picture, it felt an auspicious magical moment.

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  3. The shared poem is beautiful. Very well penned by Lalit..

    Nice to see you after a break… Great comeback in new year. Wishing you a very happy and prosperous new year… may this year year be full of peace and happiness… 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. A wise post! Silence is good and sometimes silence is needed to reflect and create awareness. Only when and if we step back we can objectively view our growth and changes. Thus making us wiser. I think…

    Wishing you a happy and healthy 2022! Stay safe!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. As always such a wholesome, uplifting post. I love the peaceful spiritual calmness in all your posts. Your friend’s poetry is beautiful. What a brilliant shot of the first Sunrise of this year! Wishing you a wonderful New Year 2022. May this be a happening, memorable year that gives you many many more reasons to be grateful for.

    Liked by 1 person

    • It is so lovely and delightful to have your visit my friend! You are so kind truly in how you acknowledge my posts for how they come across. I am very humbled and appreciate knowing. I am so happy you like the sunrise shot, it felt like a pure magical moment 🙂 Thank you very much for your amazing wishes! Wishing you all that you desire and beyond always, Much Love.

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  6. I was missing you Pragalbha but so nice of you to be back to blogging. Welcome back and silence is so special and has no words but one is at peace and silent. I loved the poem it is so beautiful. Happy New Year 2022 and may it bring you and your family happiness and joy.

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  7. I think many of us dear Pragalbha, have felt that need for silence… Yet that silence has as you have felt, been filled with love of family, of walks in nature or just sitting contented with yarn and needle crafts in hand as one is completed within by their own company..

    I too have missed many fine words, poems, photos and stories in my own long absence… But it is what I was inspired to do, as we follow our hearts and intuition… It never leads us wrong.. We are doing exactly that which we need to do…

    For in our silence, we replenish, we rebuild, we gather strength and we are inspired anew to bring more love and light, as we share our thoughts and words…

    Always a pleasure dear Pragalbha when I arrive here… or when you choose to post… For we are here at just the right time for each other.. Knowing that our hearts are forever joined in the Universal Cosmic Soup of Creation..

    Wishing you a very HAPPY 2022 and way beyond… I feel lots of revelations and exciting times ahead.. ❤ Much love
    Sue ❤

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    • lots of revelations and exciting times ahead – indeed, I agree. I can feel the difference this year is going to be!

      The Silence and the Fullness of Life has been a beautiful combination. You are the one who helped me, showed me how to arrive here – with being ok with being away, honoring our internal calling, being able to step away from being wired to the connection available here and take time connecting to ourselves, nature, our planet, the energy of being here. Oh the replenishing and gathering that occurs from that – thank you for shining your light always. It is a tremendous contribution to me and our world. A deeply heartfelt gratitude and love to you dear Sue _()_

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      • Bless you my dear friend, you have no idea just how much your words mean. It makes the journey worth the travelling, and I’m so happy we are soul sisters along this particular path… The gratitude is all mine. 🙏💛🙏

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  8. Beautiful picture…and a lovely sharing of your friend’s poem…”Life brings so much beauty through intensity, and also intensity through beauty!”…profound lines…good to see you back, Pragalbha…have breathtaking moments, that’s filled with love, joy & peace…

    Liked by 1 person

    • You are so kind and thoughtful, appreciating all things in my post 🙂 I feel very happy that you found those lines meaningful – they felt the essence of the experience of my time away. The sunrise had felt magical, happy that you liked the picture. Your wishes are so beautiful, utmost heartfelt thank you _()_

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  9. Happy New Year, Pragalbha! It is nice to see a post from you – your positive presence is a bright light. What a beautiful first sunrise of 2022! 🌄 Looks like you were in a peaceful and magical location. 🌟 Also nice to read that you enjoyed cherished family time and an island vacation. Best to you in 2022!

    Liked by 1 person

        • I think I can relate at least a bit similarly. If I do, I can blog in loads and bring so much more of my inner expressions in writing. Yet I am needing a lot of space around things, not wanting to do too much. Life gets filled up quickly, the lesser I choose to do. There is a lot of digesting happening I suppose from so much happening in and around us. So perhaps it helps us to be kind to ourselves and take it as it comes, while taking care of ourselves, taking the time we need. Hoping my sharing to be of any contribution to you. Much Love dear friend.

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            • Having a structure to the day one way does help structure more things efficiently. It is often difficult to appreciate a wide open space – it also brings us face to face with many more realities. It makes sense to me what you say and I can relate from my own times like that. To acknowledge there is a blessing available in these times is just the beginning. It takes practice to stay present and relax in to our being, in the moments of time that are very different from those that look ‘productive’ Yet we need this time. I used to understand this only in hind sight for a long time, now I have become better at accepting it in the present moments. I remind myself – it is enough what I am and what I have done today, it is enough even if I don’t do anything today. Breathing and Being is as much important. It starts to soften from there 🙂

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  10. I understand the silence phrase, I am sort of still in that place. We came home from a trip to Texas to visit our son and family. It was a wonderful visit in some ways but also a hard one. There is tension in my son’s house and even though we know what causes it we have to be silence. And silences is one of the ways to not get in God’s way of dealing with it. Seeing the grandchildren was the highlight for us. Then I got sick which caused us to leave early and that turned out to be a relief. I have recovered from an old fashioned flu but our hearts are still in prayer for this tension. I find it quite hard to be silent when a struggles is going on but am learning it’s better in some cases. Blessings to you.


    • And silences is one of the ways to not get in God’s way of dealing with it – this is profound wisdom. And yes not so easy when our loved ones are involved, and we seem to see through the cause of their suffering. It takes tremendous intention to allow personal journeys – sometimes that’s the best service we can be of. I do believe in prayers to help alleviate and bring contributing energies. I am happy to know you are now recovered from your flu. Thank you very much for kindly sharing your thoughts in this space, I am honored truly.


  11. It’s always nice to read your thoughts Pragalbha. Silence is beautiful. Most of us have forgotten to appreciate its beauty and be one with it.
    Am glad you had a good family time.
    Wishing you a year filled with peace, health and blessings ❤️

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    • Thank you for your kind words dear Radhika 🙂 Your comment is a beautiful reminder to me in this moment about how much more we can/I can learn to be one with silence. Thank you for sharing in with the joy and your loving wishes!


  12. Such a warm and sensitive post, Pragalbha. I’ve just got back into blogging and am determined not to miss your posts this year. I’ve been busy- but happy busy travelling and spending time with family. However, not blogging for a month and a half made me feel like something was missing. So, I too, am happy to be back here and overjoyed to read this post that resonate so well with me.

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    • Dear Smitha, it is my deep joy that you visit and feel the sentiment in my post. It touches me to the core at my heart that you would want to give more time on my words, it is very kind of you to say that. I am happy to know that you spent precious times with your family and travels. It is such a gift of the times. I also understand the tug between blogging and living life itself. It is a tricky choice to make, for the joy blogging gives, and yet it is important to choose life as it flows. I look forward to your kind visits, your posts and our interactions. Thank you, my friend.

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      • Dear Pragalbha, That is what I told myself when I stayed away from blogging – that I was ‘living life’. But there was a side of me that said, ‘blogging too is living,’ and that is because of the amazing connections we’ve made here – people who listen to our innermost thoughts and respond to us and support us. Glad to have connected with you once more.

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