Choose Love Not Hate


It was a delight reading Choose Love not Hate. Kindly visit this blogger friend’s site for his heartfelt work.

Author Josiah Harry elevates the concept of Love from the very reduced versions of the meaning of love that we tend to live with. He dives deeply in all facets of human love – Self, parental, familial, partner, emotional, spiritual. He explores the most personal to societal implications of how we perceive love.

Love when felt to the fullest connects us to the essence of humanity itself. The capacity to hate points to our own limitations within – yet there is a dilemma of how do we tackle the unfair. Josiah brings home all of it in a very thought provoking manner.

38 thoughts on “Choose Love Not Hate

  1. Very nice review Pragalbha. Yes, choosing love can often be harder than taking the easy way of selfishness, hate, mistrust and all those other negative feelings. But it’s worth it in the end, isn’t it! I’m such a nicer and happier person since I chose to embrace love.

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  2. This is an excellent review, Pragalbha. Yes, there are different levels of love, but whether it’s intimate love, parental love, friendly love, we must make a choice. Not all the parents love their children the giving way. For me, love makes motivates me to live. I feel that the negative feeling eats up my energy.

    Thank you for sharing the review!

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  3. Beautiful review and now another book for me to read. THANK YOU! You know by know that is my mantra …. Love, for Love is all there is. The times I do dip into those negative emotions which sometimes do come in handy to discover “new”, I always and I mean always head back to Love. Bless you, dear friend, for shining so brightly and for passing the baton of Love to us. ☺️

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    • The brightness you see in me is teh same I see in you my friend. It is amazing how we use our negative emotions to open up to something new. We refuse to dwell there 🙂 Yes, it is such solace to know that we always return back to Love, and it is always so amazing.

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    • I am so deeply happy with your kindness! I take this award as a great compliment.
      I am going through a quiet phase personally, posting very less often as usual. I wish you know that your time on my blog means a lot to me and I wish not to miss any of your work. I hope you understand my inability to participate in this award and yet honor your nomination by accepting it from my heart.

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  4. Love is what we came to discover, and its not always the king of love we think we are searching for.. The greatest love we can find is when we truly begin to love unconditionally.. And learning to love ourselves..
    Sending huge hugs your way Pragalbha.. ❤ and I have no doubts this is an excellent read. ❤

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