Of Truthfulness

Sail Sunset

Photo Credit: Manish Doshi

It is courageous vulnerability
Not a weakness
It is soul confidence
Not an arrogance
It is pure truthfulness
Not a lack of humility
It is heartfelt gratitude
Not a sign of neediness

It is actually an humble attempt
To persist in this made up world
With absolute will and trust
To insist on a world made of Love

Agnized their’s is a lonesome way
Greatest battles fought only within
Rain flowing from the eyes of turmoil
Emotional storms cleansing the heart soil

This is true of the ones who have tasted
The brutality of the life of humanness
The ambrosial essence of existence itself
Their tenacity time & again tested

A strength seemingly divine revealed
Ceded to the oceanic universal current
Soul-calling of intention keeps the ship asail
In the guided direction that Source avails

76 thoughts on “Of Truthfulness

  1. Different definitions apply this side of the continuum. Things that seem one way are often another when souls cannot imagine the perspective we are coming from.

    I’ve watched others bear the brunt of untrue perceptions because those judging are too asleep to think that someone may hold a different perspective than that which is common.

    It is a hard road to travel, but the most rewarding one. Lifting others at all times, while at the same time releasing the cords that others employ to hold us back and misconceive us.

    Though the waters be troubled, a ship sailing with Source as its compass is unsinkable. Carry on. Arrival is at every moment, and we constantly bring that which we seek into reach.

    Liked by 4 people

    • ‘Arrival is at every moment’ – this is very profound what you say. I wonder if it is possible to ever arrive always with the lightness of what we seek. Humanness catches off-guard allowing emotions to take ground. Rewarding it is – I always trust, hard is a perspective I can let go.
      ‘releasing the cords that others employ to hold us back and misconceive us’ – sounds true. It is a process through which I keep arriving.
      I pray the unimaginable perspectives and definitions find the ease to breathe.

      Liked by 1 person

      • “I pray the unimaginable perspectives and definitions find the ease to breathe.”

        Me too! If we can imagine it we can go there. Imagination is the first step in the creation process. If you see it in your mind’s eye it is doable.

        The interim decides it. How dedicated are you to the outcome? Is it aligned with Source? There are many questions between the imagination’s first glimpse and arrival, but when it is truth to us, nothing can stop it.

        The negative emotions along the way aren’t meant to be carried, just dispensed with and gotten over. They are as much a cosmic teaching tool as are the good times. They make us think. They stretch us. Soon, what we once thought impossible comes into view, and then in time it is executed.

        To thyself be true, and to Source of course. There’s nothing out there that is capable of holding us back and fully enjoying the process.

        Liked by 1 person

        • Thank you for support in holding this space of intention. I guess the most powerful is at work when I feel the most vulnerable. I guess the ship simply sails as guided, that in itself is dedication, it is not any other added force. Indeed the truth is always here to stay, an unsinkable ship. I completely agree what you say about emotions – they are just beautiful in how they work through and for us.
          Thank you very much for this positively affirming conversation.

          Liked by 1 person

  2. I love this, Pragal. Especially these lines:

    “A strength seemingly divine revealed
    Ceded to the oceanic universal current
    Soul-calling of intention keeps the ship asail”

    This is a great reflective/gentle advisory piece.

    Liked by 3 people

  3. You have a beautiful way with words. I like the folliowing from your post…

    “It is courageous vulnerability
    Not a weakness
    It is soul confidence
    Not an arrogance
    It is pure truthfulness
    Not a lack of humility
    It is heartfelt gratitude
    Not a sign of neediness

    This is true of the ones who have tasted
    The brutality of the life of humanness

    Their tenacity time & again tested
    In the guided direction that Source avails… ”

    So powerful. Tests will come to us, we courageous in our vulunerability, we get up each time we are subjected to the harshness of life. But with tenacity we do not lose our humaness our kindness our character. The divine source gives us strenght to carry on being beautiful , couragrous , characterful and never letting go of that or losing ourself to the pains of life..

    Beautiful post always. And great photos always . Regards Bella

    Liked by 1 person

          • Oh, honestly I am jealous but also happy for you, but my dreams are still fantasy not reality. And I wonder if things can work out. First: You can not force other people to be part of your reality. And second I wonder how to go on. Letting go from parts of your normal life to perhaps come a little bit nearer to your dreams, without always not forgetting to live in the present??? I only can be happy when I live the moment… long time I just had my goals in mind and accepted therefore to be uncomfortable in the present, but as I could not realize coming nearer to my goals I got fear…. then you look back and get depressed because You just wasted your precious time. So what to do? Enjoying present or working towards your dreams?

            Liked by 1 person

            • Dear Anie, I see a lot of beautiful and powerful in all the awareness you share. Very true you can not force other people to be part of your reality. It is a painful I agree. True that joy resides only in the moment. The fear is of the unknown future and the grief is of the known past. Only the present can be rich with joy. Accepting and allowing our own way of being continually. And then inviting our dreams along, be willing to be led into a choice that feels joyful in the moment.
              No time is ever wasted. It is only what time was needed to get through it all. The more present we can be, deeper we process it and move on into the next moment, next joy, next dream, next choice …Time is needed …
              Your wonder of how to go on itself helps you go on. What if we can stay in that wonder?
              Wish you ease and joy ๐Ÿ™‚

              Liked by 1 person

              • Oh pragalmha, thank you for your wonderful answer and patience with me.
                I’m not easy and never will be, because I just do not want to know many things. You say that time is never wasted, because we also learn from the painful things and there you are right. And yet, subjectively, I suffer from this time because I was innocent, despite my age still a child and I would have loved to stay in mind like a child. But fate did not want me to remain a child and now I have to deal with the thoughts of adults. But I will learn to accept things as they are and I will learn that my face can not laugh all the time. People will go without me knowing what they were there for, but people will come again, whose meaning I may be able to understand more. One thing I have to say here. I never wanted to understand the overview, the order or the whole. I had my world 100% ok for me and I will build such a world again for me, because I am not a politician and never wanted to be because I act and work in a small environment and I know that this is a lot! What do you mean with staying in the wonder? Of course I will always wonder a lot…but it depends…to wonder about Alice in Wonderland and fantastic things…also som romantic poems and stories …yes of course!!!! But living my life, breathing beeing real…there I prefer to be fixed on earth with both feet!

                Liked by 1 person

                • This is beautiful conversation Anie, you are welcome.
                  We will always remain the innocent children of the Universe or the child of God. To me prayer is nothing but the child in us earnestly asking of our joy to Universe/Mother?God. There is so much acceptance in just doing that.
                  I applaud you for your willingness to create your world again. By wonder I meant being curious of what we might choose to do next.

                  Liked by 1 person

                  • Thank you dear Pragalbha, yes, I am also curious, I am at a turning point in my life and actually fight daily with highs and lows and am often exhausted and not productive in the way I am used to it. Funnily, I notice these changes in my weekly yoga class … I can rarely do the exercises with my eyes closed because I no longer have balance and everything turns when I close my eyes. But I’ll find my balance again and I’m curious where I’m in a year … whether I laugh at the past or if I praise the past …:)…

                    Liked by 1 person

  4. The first verse reminds me of the saying “things are not always what they seem”.
    Yes, the greatest battles are fought within, but the force of the universal current carries us forward.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. I love your poetry, Friend! I love the beautiful distinction you make in the first stanza between authentic and inauthentic living. It is so strange, but we often feel like we have to apologize for authentic living. I also love your line about tasting the ambrosial essence of existence itself. That is what I feel in moments of stillness, simple joy, and love. Thank you for sharing your gift.

    Liked by 1 person

    • You absolutely made my day with the resonance you brought with your response. I agree about the authentic living, I am working at feeling unapologetic more than ever. Yes the essence is so sweet when we feel it. Thank you very much Shelly truly.


  6. Absolutely powerful and Truth filled writing, dear friend! For your words describe exactly how I have come to view life on this planet. I have chosen to create my own world. Just absolutely am in awe of this poem. Just wow! Your descriptions of the Source filled Journey is spot-on. I found myself as I was reading your words amazement in how you were able to form into words what my life represents. Brava! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Amy what absolute happiness to have this sense of support from you. While I am able to form a view of life you and I see, you continually give me a glimpse of how creating our own world looks like, through your work. I too feel the intention of creating my own world, yet get lost on the way so many times. Thank you so much for the thoughtful words, much Love.

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  7. Just beautiful Pragalbha, We each of us have to discern the ‘Truth’ and as we travel through life we may often find that ‘Truth’ alters as our awareness and perception alters over time.

    Learning to see Truth, is often complex, for so many do not wish us to find the Truth, I am speaking globally now not on a personal level. So Truth gets distorted via our ingrained upbringing of the truths our parents and grandparents taught us..

    Stepping into our own ‘Truth; and speaking that which we find, is not always easy, for many judge our truth, based upon their truth.. ๐Ÿ™‚ Complex, yet Simple..

    Which brings me back to ‘KNOWING’ and I find that when we have that ‘knowing’ it matters not what others think, for we know our own Truth.. And it is us to them to find theirs..

    All we can do is point a way.. and hope others will find theirs..

    Keep following your Souls intention and its calling Pragalbha,
    It is lighting the way..

    LOVE and LIGHT dear friend.. and thank you for BEing YOU.. โค

    Liked by 1 person

    • Complex, yet simple so true! It seems a juggle often between what we know and what we feel. Settling into that knowing until the feeling passes is the way – you are so right on this.
      Thank you very much dear Sue for all the Love and Light and the affirmation you send my way, it truly makes a difference!

      Liked by 2 people

      • Oh well yes? Can we really someday get a conviction of our knowledge? until the feeling passes away..is this is the way??? I thought always, that everything human knows, is nothing at all compared to the whole existance. So i thought, that you never can rely on knowlegde…What is about feeling…I think we know really even less about our feelings…maybe they are much more woth than knowlegde?


  8. Most of the times, we are in denial – denial of the truth that reveals itself with utmost clarity. Yet, we refuse to see it simply because it is easier to let it go unnoticed. But is not the world too hidden under a mask of superficiality and pretense, one that is easy for us to put up so that we are accepted and move with the crowd. It takes courage to be able to look up and speak the truth.
    The message in each of your beautifully strung poems are profound, one that will always stay with me as a reminder.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Your reflections are so perfectly aligned with the emotion of my poem. It is indeed easy to escape or deny the perceived truths, so much courage is required to acknowledge what we truly see in others and self. Thank you very much for always reading me so deeply.


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