Express Yourself Truly

Stay away - no kisses for u - Oriental White Eye pair - Bangalore - 1F8A3137

Photo Credit : Atanu Chakraborty “You Talk too Much”

You Talk Too Much
This is what they said to me

I didn’t know what to do about it
Until I realized after long

I was expressing wrongly
In all places wrong

I became a writer
Expressing from my heart exactly

You Don’t Talk To Me Much Now
This is what they say to me now

69 thoughts on “Express Yourself Truly

    • My husband and I agree that we both sound greek to each other 🙂 Now that I have this space to express, he has a easier life and we can enjoy other aspects in common. It helps whenever we can laugh at our differences. I am always filled with joy when you visit and use my work. Thank you!

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  1. In the end, it does not matter what they say, it’s about you. Of course, one can and should change things that disturb you (and others). But it’s primarily about yourself….I would say better too much as nothing at all…, ) wonderful picture!!!!!

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  2. Always speak from the heart.
    The words don’t have to be perfect, if they are from the heart they are honest, and people will understand them.
    It’s like telling the truth, the absolute truth.
    I find this may not always get me what I want, but that is something I can live with compared to if I did not speak from the heart or in matters of the heart if I did not tell the absolute truth.
    Have a nice day Pragalbha.

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    • I find absolute wisdom and agreement in your words. It is important for me to have a clear mind after a communication even if it seems to not get the desired result in the moment. Thank you for taking the time and have an amazing time ahead!
      P.S. Sadly I still didn’t get any notification for your comment. I now periodically check to see if I have missed anything.

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    • Being sincere and talking about the heart is a wonderful thing. formulating the whole thing in a way that feels it to others is hard. It is the art of words and it is the art of understanding and describing one’s own truth so that they can understand others. Words are limited … it would be nice to send thoughts.

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  3. I used to be a chatterbox. I still can be when the right “connection” is found. It seems I no longer go on and on about anything and everything, but instead have gotten quiet, for me. My thoughts are deep and calm, and I’ve always been able to express myself best by writing. I’m learning, however, to express myself verbally, speaking deliberately and with care on how I say what I do. I LOVE to talk heart to heart, and to explore subject matter that most shy away from. I hope that people again start to really talk from their hearts, instead of having their heads and attention on their phones. So many times I have turned to my blog to express my innermost thoughts because I had no one to share them with. Our conversations, for example, have been such a Gift to me, Pragalbha. I hope you know this to be true. May you your day be a great one. Much Love to you! 💝

    Liked by 2 people

    • I would like to say ditto to each and every sentence of your response. I feel exactly same.
      I often get lost verbally now as if I have no social skills. I am consciously training myself to show up in the physical world and be at ease yet be my truthful self. I have spent more than fair share of my life in the company of superficial conversations and can’t imagine going back to that distress. I no longer feel the need to prove my view either. Our conversations are the only true kind to me and that is why I consider my virtual world as much or more real than the one out there. I call these virtual spaces, where we interact heart to heart, magical manifestations of my deep asking and desire for real conversations. So you are part of what I call my Magic 🙂 Thank you for being here. Wish you Amazing times!

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      • Oh yes, that must be nice to let your heart speak instead of speak about trivial things. It’s nice if this longing for this is fulfilled online. I have said it so many times, but for me it is unfortunately no alternative to also seek these conversations in the non-virtual real world and also to find it. The virtual world will always be a creative source of inspiration for me, a place of exchange, but not my private real world. That’s where I breathe is real world, is living is loving. Because life is breathing and nothing else.

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      • In time, Prag, you will know how to converse with others on their level. Many are not comfortable with your “truthful self” so you adjust by “feeling” and observing where that person is coming from in order to converse on their level, not yours. Listen to conversation. See what you can add to that, if anything. Go slow for this is a big learning curve for you. The more confidence you have in yourself, the easier this will become. Much Love to you!! 💖💖💖

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