What do I Really Want?


Photo Credit : Manish Doshi, Editing : Vikram Phale

What do I want?
What do I really want?
Everything anyone would ever want
I seem to have it all

Looks like it all fell to my lap
Just I paid with my life for all that
At times allowed my heart to be taken out whole
Be shaped like whatever anyone wanted
Often put back half used and cold

What do I want?
What do I really want?
Everything anyone would ever want
I seem to have it all

Now is the time
To ask for exactly what I would want
Until now I wanted just what everyone would want
Now is the time
To explore exactly what I am here for

My heart feels safe
In the warmth of my rib cage
Embody gratitude for all that I am gifted
Just not willing to stop asking more
Finally feel worthy to the core

All roles well played
Each and everyone, their’s and mine
To help me realize
It is me and my heart
Forever together in this lifetime

All else just tremendous perfection
Of how we find other in intersection
Keep nurturing our hearts
Knowing deeply “We are One”
Through eternity & this life in all sorts

What do I want?
What do I really want?
Everything anyone would ever want
That is exactly what I want and more.


Yoga – My work & Life

57 thoughts on “What do I Really Want?

  1. This is very nice and probably deals with the most important question in life, of whose existence I have not even guessed, ironically.
    Yes, what do I want. Spontaneously, I would say that I do not want to decide …. hahaha …. or I want to have never met this question. The nice thing about never having grown up, is that you do not decide you just do it. And now the idea salad starts in a jiffy you’re an adult …. 😦
    No, at some point this question had to come and I actually know what I want. It’s just so abstract, so questionable, if I get it. A player situation “all in”. But I never like to play for a real mission.
    I like your yoga site by the way. I’ve been going to yoga for a few years …; )

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you for sharing your thoughtful reflections Anie. I think I am understanding what you mean by abstract …ultimately it is the quality we are after …the means and missions through which we pursue the quality is secondary. I would say don’t doubt or question your desire, just follow its lead from your heart.
      Thank you for visiting my yoga site 🙂 I am glad to know you practice.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Thank you Pragalbha, I definetely have to revisit and read more at your yoga site!
        What you wrote, came like a call and it is fantastic!
        You know, I’ve never really missed anything. Everything was always perfect. I have a perfect family. I have the most beautiful job in the world. I have free time, no problems, I´m healthy and I have happy and nice people around me and then everything is different from one day to the next because your heart is crazy and your soul is annoying. You think this is a midlifecrise and try to sit it out but it does not work. It´s quiete hard to change life. Well, I am glad that I have the yoga. Once a week rest and a smiling teacher ….; )

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Love this! It takes years to find out what we truly want, rather than what we think we want based on others’ expectations. I found this part to be the most powerful:
    “Just not willing to stop asking more
    Finally feel worthy to the core”

    Liked by 2 people

  3. I think with age what we want changes. I know it has with me. It is not necessarily a “bad” thing, no not at all. Many of what I “wanted” in my younger years now seems silly as I look back. Beautifully penned and the way you think is quite a delight. Thank you for sharing you, Pragalbha. 🌹

    Liked by 2 people

  4. This is so beautiful Pragalbha. I love this sentence especially – to me, it is a key way to be in gratitude (to be grateful for everything that people teach us!!!)

    “Each and everyone, their’s and mine
    To help me realize
    It is me and my heart
    Forever together in this lifetime”

    Gorgeous poem. Blessings!!!
    Much love,

    Liked by 2 people

  5. It‘s hard to realize, what we really want. It‘s an own process and we are really lucky to have helping people. But at the end there are only two important things which count: It is me and my heart!

    Liked by 1 person

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