What we look like


Photo Credit : Vikram Phale

All of us, what we look like
Have a story of our life
Sometimes really brave ones
And then those that we hide

When we want to change something
In what we look like
It’s actually something
That we want to change in our life …

61 thoughts on “What we look like

  1. Wow!! So true! Beautifully penned, dear friend! I saw a picture of me taken years ago (about 18 years) and what struck me immediately was how “hard” my face looked compared to today. There is a softness to my face now that had not been there, and even though older I know I look better today. And as for what we were talking about on Petals …. YOU assisted me with an area in my life that I have been unkind to myself over. Namaste. 💞

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yesss! I was delighted to read what you shared about your picture. There is so much we carry in our bodies and on faces …and then try to fix them. This is how our age is only a number. So much beauty can be cultivated that we can actually feel within.
      Thank you for your kind words 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

    • I value and appreciate having your exact thoughts always _()_ You are right there is so much more that can be said about this 🙂 Yet I keep it this way for each reader to ponder upon their own stories of life.


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