I Certainly Will …


Photo Credit : Vikram Phale “Honor The Light Within You”

I may not boost your ego
I will honor your soul

I may not respect authority for sake
I will honor you as human whole

I may not see age or gender
I will honor your authentic core

I may not bow to your demand
I will surrender to your regard or love

I may not beg or be belittled
I will seek your wisdom galore


P.S. Dear Debbie, I gladly contribute this post to Forgiving Fridays. May we together honor the essence of our being, and of those around us.

70 thoughts on “I Certainly Will …

    • That would be a beautiful world indeed. I wish to live this way more easily. I lived more with the grief over the unhappiness of the other …for my inability to cater to their ego. Thank you very much my friend, it makes me very happy that you see my message clearly.

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      • It IS a beautiful world and you are on a most beautiful journey, dearest Pragal, do hear this from a kindred soul who knows what it means to live with this consuming grief. Our struggles often go unseen by those around us, for they are not responsible for our bearing their burdens, nor is gratitude ever an obligation. Let the liberation from the ego expand from inside of us to those who are ready and let us quietly bless everyone else too. So much wisdom in these lessons of ours, accelerating our remembering, personally and collectively.

        So grateful for you and a transparently healing embrace 💜🙏 Leon

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        • Wow! You gift me such words of universal grace and kindness.
          nor is gratitude ever an obligation – These words just granted me another level of freedom. I receive and ask the same as you – allow me to reach those who would welcome me and bless all others too!
          I feel immense gratitude for your offering of these blessed words to me. THANK YOU

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  1. Oh I love this poem! Honoring the Light in each of us – so beautiful ❤

    I'd be honored if you contribute this post for Forgiving Fridays. I was away on vacation & plan to do my next one this Friday!

    Many blessings to you. Gorgeous. Debbie

    Liked by 1 person

    • So very glad to have you back! Can’t wait to read from you 🙂
      Thank you so much for kindly supporting my work always. I will contribute this one! I wasn’t sure if any of my previous posts could be a good contribution to you. At your ease, do check them out and let me know 🙂 Either your thoughts on them or if you would like me to contribute any one of those to ForgivingFridays.
      Much love, gratitude and joy to you dear friend!

      Liked by 1 person

      • Oh Pragalbha, you are welcome to contribute any of your poems for Forgiving Fridays! Really, this is an opportunity for YOU to express yourself with forgiveness however that moves your heart! For example, this week I may talk about flexibility in relationships and how it’s important not to “sweat the small stuff” because that’s what’s going on in my life right now.

        So feel free to contribute whatever moves you! Gratitude, love, joy – all of those are related to forgiveness if they are for YOU. And your son is welcome to contribute as well. ❤ Blessings.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Very very well-written Praglabha. Missed reading your writings. Now that I am back on wordpress, I’ll make sure not to miss any of your posts! Keep going 🙂


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  3. Pingback: Today’s Forgiving Fridays: What is Really Important? :) – ForgivingConnects

  4. Pingback: Things I have tried not to say | Infinite Living

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