There is a Difference



There is a difference.
In living to make it look like
To be seen a certain way
To be remembered a certain way
To be talked about a certain way


Actually living the life exactly
As what would be seen and talked about
Only because that is the only way
That is skilled and known to live.
There is a difference.

The difference is
Vexed exhaustion
Calm conviction.

The difference is
Unknown inner suffering
Chosen wise suffering

The difference is
Mind maddening rush & fall
Heart exalting ebb & flow

83 thoughts on “There is a Difference

  1. The difference is being true to you and what your heart says.. the other is a facade that can not wholely be kept for your entire life. Inside and outside should be the same to like in harmony, peace and balance with ones self. And when i am in balance then i am in balance with the world..

    Great post as always.

    Liked by 4 people

  2. For me it is listening to His quiet voice and not my own. Today I heard that I need to say, “may I be excused from the table?” And after that ‘now live an excused life.’ Thank you for the inspiration.

    Liked by 2 people

    • I am in absolute awe and gratitude of that quiet voice …it is indeed very precious when we are able to listen to it. It comes in the most simple ways like your example, yet it is the most profound. It is different.
      Thank you very much for sharing your wisdom.

      Liked by 2 people

  3. I experienced both ways 😄It took me some time to transform from the first one to the second one and I’m still on the road 😀but it’s so great to be able to do that. It’s like coming home, isn’t it?

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Wow!! Your words speak the Truth perfectly! This is the exact situation I find myself with certain family members who prefer the illusion of being “perfect” and “being good” instead of jumping into life and getting messy and dirty. I jump in life with both feet and have not regretted doing so. I’m so not living MY life according to what others want from me. Nope. Not going to happen! Thank you for seeing this Truth! 🌹

    Liked by 1 person

  5. It’s amazing to see how you infinitely go on exploring these nuances of human nature! Things we know, but wont speak of… mostly!
    Sorry I have been away travelling for a while… how have you been, hon?

    Liked by 1 person

    • That is a very wonderful feedback you give me! Makes me truly happy to know how you see my work 🙂 Thank you so much.
      So glad to see you back. The last of your posts that we conversed on, before you went on a break – none of my responses got posted, I could only see yours. I was worried you would would think me not responding to your beautiful words 🙂 I so wished you would check your spam …
      While you were travelling, I have been very well and amazed at life through my own inner journeys 🙂 Thank you for asking.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Living your life in the terms that you choose and not what others expect you to is one that is easily said on a piece of paper than in reality. But once you have decided to live with your own beliefs, all that matters is to live your life mindfully.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Wow, such a powerful truth expressed so clearly and concisely. It’s all about being true to oneself. To an outside observer, the actions performed by one who wants to be perceived a certain way and those taken by one guided by the soul may look the same, but the mental, emotional and spiritual well-being of the doer matters most. What a striking contrast: ‘vexed exhaustion’ vs. ‘calm conviction’.

    Liked by 1 person

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