The Weeping Soul

Aged Beauty

Aged Beauty by Vikram Phale

We came to birth as babies crying
We grew up to live as humans smiling
Is there anyone else though
Who feels as if the soul is forever weeping?

No respite from this eternal seeking
That seeking itself is the source of ecstasy
The soul is as if the sage aged beauty
Wouldn’t want it otherwise just to make it easy

As the human yearns a sense of belonging
The soul knows what really is the longing
Is there anyone else who feels
As though the soul is forever weeping?

55 thoughts on “The Weeping Soul

  1. Well in the ages of daulity yes the soul is crying because we are far from our natural nature. But as return to our natural nature then we wont always cry it will lessen.. well that is my humble opinion on this.

    As always a beautifully written, deep meaningful post.

    Regards Bella

    Liked by 2 people

  2. One of my favourite poems of yours. Very beautiful and articulately written. It does bring up thoughts on life and the questions of happiness. I think many souls weep, looking for answers and a place of belonging. It is hard to feel complete contentment.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. The Soul (Atma) is always crying to be rediscovered. This is the true keys to human happiness and fulfilment. Without satisfying the Soul all other achievements will be vanity.
    Jesus said: “Discover ye first the kingdom of God”.

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