Which one is it?

Which one is it?

Painful yet beautiful
Beautiful yet painful

Sadness with a sweet smile
Sweet smile with sadness

Tears of joy
Joy of tears

Love has attachment
True love is detachment

Memories from past
Reside in present

Past in present
Present in past

Heartful love
Longing heart

Letting go of desire
Desire of letting go

Life a wishful dream
Dream a wishful life

Journey of a lifetime
Lifetime of a journey

Perfect imperfection
Imperfect perfection

Content conclusion
Concludes contentment

Certainty always uncertain
Uncertainty always certain

Unwavered faith in Universe
Utmost support on true path

Miraculous design
Divine timing

Which one is it?

33 thoughts on “Which one is it?

          • Hi Pragalbha,

            That was really a helping hand from your side which had clarified my doubts. You are divine to me in every sense.

            The concept of accepting the whole without judgement had helped me understanding humanness within me. Thanks

            I want your opinion on being mindful throughout day ?

            The problem with me is desire of momentary pleasure look for more and more yet I know it’s bottom less bucket which can never be full filled ?

            I need your help on to grow further spiritually…

            Calling you by your name looks awkward to me sometimes , I see you on higher level and must pay respect to you…I don’t know?

            I wish to continue such enriching conversation.

            I have nothing to give you in return …

            Thanks wishing you a good day.

            Liked by 1 person

            • Being mindful throughout the day is a practice of being present …with no judgment. Pure consciousness has no judgment. Mindfulness is simply about observing what is, allowing it. What we do with what we observe is a completely different practice to be cultivated …

              When we watch a child we do not keep harsh criticism. But we are so easily unkind when we watch ourselves.
              All the big philosophies that we study are the container we play in. All the experiences we have are our playmates. It is not bad actually that our desires will never be fulfilled. They are our means to go towards the true joy of being. Release yourself in the flow …but comfort is never my motive …I choose and strive high …and enjoy the pleasures on the way …if you know me personally you will find a regular human and maybe not all that divine 🙂 Turmoil is part of the process, suffering is a choice.
              Calling me by name makes me feel honored with friendship that gives me opportunity for such enriching conversations .
              I have some notes in my pile of writings on the topic of desire with references from some master teachers …I will find them and make a post soon …
              I tremendously respect our conversation here, so want to have your permission to pull out sentences from my comments to you …to use as part of my post.
              Ease and joy until next time …


    • Hello friend NA, I am writing here again to check if you received my reply to your last comment in this thread …sometimes there is a glitch in the system and comments go un-notified. Did I answer your question? Can I elaborate on anything? Your blogs have always given me inspiration, positivity and a sense of affirmation. That is why really value our interactions 🙂 Wishing you ease through your time and process, waiting for your reply 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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