Confidence …split between Worldly & Universal

Confidence is being sure of self or free of doubt. My exploration and revelation about it has been amusing to me. In any given moment the word confidence means nothing to me. I don’t relate to it or I don’t sense it in my body. Wait, let me finish 🙂

If I were to think of times when I felt very sure of myself, they come very easily to me. The times when I am writing like this, some poetry is flowing out of me or I am with a student, my sons or friend to answer a question that I am very sure I can answer. At least I can always answer ‘I don’t know’. I am not shy of that answer at all.

Those are the times I am confident of what I am saying and what I mean. Yet confidence is not a dominant part of my body language. All I know is when I am sure of myself, I am very relaxed in my way of being. The words, actions and answers are coming through me from some place of knowing that I am unable to own. It is more that I am willing to be owned by that knowing, I have surrendered to all the Universal knowing that wants to flow through me. This always keeps working for me, as long as, I stay in this space that gives true joy in my being. That joy becomes a delight when others understand me.

The world is made of people on different gradation on the confidence scale. There are people of robust physiques and best confident body language, unable to recall the last time they felt very sure of themselves. This way of being has worked for them in the world and they have practiced it enough to feel and seem very natural. There’s people who truly embody their most genuine and very assured way of being. They inspire me.

I have spent more of my time facing myself than I have spent facing the world. I have had to reach to the core of the Universal wisdom to be able to survive some of my life moments. And I have practiced those truths enough in my way of being, to feel natural about them. I have no shred of doubt in me when they flow through me.

I can get very timid where the world setting asks for a prominent presence of visibility in the physical body. That is my learning curve to cultivate the essence and strength of knowing to become evident as a felt-sense in my being. And it is some person’s learning curve to reach to their core knowing and cultivate it, for it to merge with their well-stitched cloak of confidence. 

Where does each one of us place ourselves on the scale of confidence?
To me personally, it has 2 ends to it …Worldly & Universal. I will be working to bring them together …so I don’t feel like a split person in one body anymore …

P.S. I am sure of what I mean here, not at all sure of what it translates to you 🙂 Please enlighten me on my learning curve, either way, in agreement or in contradiction.

8 thoughts on “Confidence …split between Worldly & Universal

  1. Your ‘Universal wisdom’ confidently flows through your writing, but it also comes across as very warm, gentle and sincere. Overly confident people on the other hand can appear patronising and aggressive….setting themselves apart. Be very careful of people who have absolute certainty. We are all striving for internal/external harmony…where our thoughts, feelings and actions are congruent with each other. It’s a life long process, and I’m no where near having achieved it. Your writing is beautiful because of who you are.

    Liked by 2 people

    • I deeply appreciate you reflecting back to me what you see through my writings. I simply loved when you say that we are striving for harmony, where our thoughts, feelings and actions are congruent with each other. That is exactly what I would say …yes it is a life long process. You have very kindly given me a positive and supportive perspective. Thank you very much for that! Glad to have company, wish you the best of ease and joy throughout.

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  2. Hey Pragalbha! Nice post. I totally relate to it. I think what you are talking here is about self confidence and not your confidence in the outcome of your actions. Right? Correct me if I am wrong but I am going to extend my comment on that assumption. True, you may not feel it within day in and day out when you do things that you do 1) either by kind heart and with honesty, learning new things in the process, sharpening your skills or 2) because you are gifted with the skills (or 1 & 2 combined). Then the Confidence is just in your nature (Btw overconfidence is the result of arrogance, I believe). And that is what is projected on others as your body language. But to challenge yourself and to put your self confidence to test, try doing something that is not in your routine and even if you were gifted it would mean doing something out of your comfort zone. Like publishing a book may be? Now that would be some test for you self confidence and you confidence in the outcome! Would it not?

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    • Hi Vikram, I am truly grateful for you taking the time to respond to every aspect of my thought process in this post. You are right I was talking about self confidence. I am thoroughly thrilled of the other kind that you brought into perspective …confidence in the outcome …it sounds perfect, body language would then be just the natural expression. I also loved the 2 ways confidence is natural, body language or not, it is more about honesty.
      Your nudge towards a published book sure defines the limit of my comfort zone and confidence in myself 🙂 I so appreciate you bringing that up for me …as only a true friend would do. Thank you so very much!


  3. This is really beautiful, thank you ❤ I particularly love the part about feeling confidence in our bodies. I'll have to be more aware of that.
    To me, confidence and trust are related. It's an intuitive knowing. Blessings to you! — Debbie

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